The main characters are Turner Thompson, his wife Barbara and their two children along with their pastor in Atlanta. Turner is engaged in the high tech field of communications. Barbara is a key member of the international business community. Turner is one of the brightest minds in the area of...
“In the midst of the city, upon one of the seven hills, lie the ruins of the imperial palace. The wild fig tree grows in the clefts of the wall, and covers the nakedness thereof with its broad grey-green leaves; trampling among heaps of rubbish, the ass treads upon green laurels, ...
Rap Look at the fig tree and all the trees When you see their leaves blow in the breeze Then you know that summer is near. So God's kingdom is almost here When you see happen the things I say And this generation will certainly not pass away Until all the things I said come about ...
These developments further led to the generation of a large number of transcriptome and population DNA re-sequencing data, allowing mining key genes responsible for important agronomic traits and studying the domestication history of pears [14, 15]. At present, pear genome and resequencing data have...
Reference-generation and alignment of capsids was performed by enforcing icosahedral symmetry with Relion-v3.1.131,32 (despite the capsids possessing C5 symmetry) in order to promote convergence from the low number of particles. For the phage tails, the start and end points along the filament ...
We visualized resulting phylogenies in FigTree (available from, or the R package ggtree65,66. Topologies were rooted on the branch leading to the common ancestor of the Culicidae and the Chaoboridae, the recognized sister lineage of mosquitoes. For coalescent...
We are grateful to Guillaume Robin for preparing Fig. 3.3, and to Adnan Ismaiel for the sequencing that contributed to the phylogenetic tree in Fig. 3.1. The work in the Shirasu lab is supported partly by the Programme for Promotion of Basic and Applied Researches for Innovations in Bio-orie...
Fig. 6 Maximum likelihood tree showing the evolutionary relationships among fatty acid reductase (FAR) proteins mined from the transcriptomes of the New Zealand leafroller moths Ctenopseustis herana (Cher, highlighted in blue), C. obliquana (Cobl, highlighted in light purple), Planotortrix excess...
Design a content delivery network like CloudFlare Design a trending topic system like Twitter's michael-noll.comsnikolov Design a random ID generation system Return the top k requests during a time interval Design a system...
To detect the electricity generation performance of the CG/PHA/PBT piezoelectric hydrogels, a voltage output test was performed. All the composite hydrogels showed a certain generating capacity (Fig. 2g), and the voltage output of the CG, CG/PHA, CG/PHA/5%PBT, and CG/PHA/10%PBT hydrogels ...