At the boy’s cradle a prophecy had been spoken: ‘He will die on the throne of France!’ The mother’s heart dreamt of a second Napoleon. “My beams have kissed the wreath of immortelles on his grave, and this night they kissed the forehead of the old grandame, while in a dream ...
This event which Jesus asked us to look for was fulfilled in 1917 when the Jewish people (the fig tree) began to return to the nation of Israel. My eBookcompletely explains why this event fulfilled Jesus' prophecy. It also demonstratesthat in Exodus God said a generation equaled 100 years....
2. Interpreting ProphecyHow do we correctly interpret Micah's “Vine & Fig Tree” prophecy, as well as others which speak of the Messiah? Sometimes the form of prophecy can confuse us. Often it is poetic, rather than "scientific" or "historical" or reminiscent of journalistic "neutrality."...
The best place to see the Vine & Fig Tree ideal is in the book of Micah. Here is Micah's prophecy and a few notes about the Biblical worldview Micah presents:Micah 4:1-7 Now it shall come to pass in the last days That the mountain of the LORD’s house Shall be established on...
“Whether Esther was mindful of Joel’s prophecy or not, she in effect “blows the trumpet I Zion.” commanding Mordecai to call a fast for all the Jews of Susa, to see if the Lord may relent from sending this calamity on her people. For the first time in this story Esther identifies...
RobertLeeRE on Prophecy RobertLeeRE on Revelation RobertLeeRE On Wordpress Seventy Weeks of years Seventy Years Prophecy Seventy Years Then Comes Judgment The American Prophecies The Fall of Babylon the Great The Fig Tree Prophecy The Great Whore The Last Generation time Of The End Tower of ...
As Jesus Christ said in Matthew 24:34, it would be the generation of the fig tree, that generation known as the Baby Boomers, who would not pass away until all the things He foretold us of in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 became history instead of prophecy!
The fulfillment of this prophecy helps us to see the validity of taking Joel’s last days to be two, thousand-year days. In Genesis 2 God forbade Adam from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God warned that in the day that Adam ate of the forbidden fruit, he ...
Israel is the Fig Tree of Bible Prophecy whereby we know we are in the Final Generation. They are God’s clock, but we do not Worship a Clock. Even their symbol has 2520 encoded into it. Please note it is not the ‘Star of David’ however. It is the Star of Remphan and the Occ...
The cause of the curse was sin, and I’m sure nobody is disputing Jesus died for sins. The prophecy of Jeremiah 31:29 and Ezekiel 18:2 was also fulfilled which says, “In those days they shall say no more, the children are punished for their father’s sins.” ...