Some say that the Fatherhood of God is universal, and that every man, from the fact of his being created by God, is necessarily God's son, and that therefore every man has a right to approach the throne of God, and say, "Our Father which art in heaven." To that I must demur. ...
The Fatherhood of God, and Its Relation to the Person and Work of Christ and the Operations of the Holy Spirit 作者:Wright, Charles H. H. 出版年:2007-11 页数:316 定价:$ 34.97 ISBN:9780548713594 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
The Fatherhood of God and Human Fatherhood; The Marriage of God and Human MarriageSmith, Louis
the threefold fatherhood of god 读音:美英 the threefold fatherhood of god基本解释 上帝的三重父性 分词解释 threefold& adv. 〈正〉三倍(的) fatherhood父亲的身份,父性,父权 god上帝,造物主 the threefold fatherhood of god是什么意思 the threefold fatherhood of god怎么读 the threefold fatherhood of god...
※ 上帝作为万有之父(The Universal Fatherhood of God) ※ 人类皆为兄弟(The Universal Brotherhood of Man) ※ 人类灵 …|基于3个网页 2. 上帝作為萬有之父 ※ 上帝作為萬有之父(The Universal Fatherhood of God) ※ 人類皆為兄弟(The Universal Brotherhood of Man) ※ 人類靈 …liberal...
Imitating the Fatherhood of God 作者:Adams, Vincent 出版年:2012-1 页数:124 定价:$ 22.59 ISBN:9781469150550 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Imitating the Fatherhood of God的书评 ···(全部 0 条)...
The fatherhood of God is a recurring theme in the New Testament, seen in passages like Romans 8:15, where believers are described as receiving the Spirit of adoption, allowing them to cry out, "Abba, Father." by one SpiritThe Holy Spirit is the agent through whom believers experience this...
Father in God father lasher Father longlegs Father of lies Father of Radio Father of the bar father of the chapel Father of the Church Father of the Faithful Father of the House Father of the Submarine father surrogate Father Time father-figure Father-God fatherhood father-in-law fatherland Fa...
2.Fatherhood- God when considered as the first person in the Trinity; "hear our prayers, Heavenly Father" Father-God,Father 3.fatherhood- the status of a religious leader berth,billet,post,situation,position,office,place,spot- a job in an organization; "he occupied a post in the treasury"...
these are the principles 这一句是主句 后面的句子是which 引导的定语从句 在从句中,有现在分词recognizing引导的定语,整个从句的意思是,一个认识到人类的友爱和上帝的慈爱的新世界。整个大句子的意思是,这些是一个认识到人类的友爱和上帝的慈爱的新世界可以建立在其基础上的原则。或者,这些原则,是...