the engineer had blown on the whistle, and every day, as soon as she heard this signal, a woman had appeared on the back porch of the little house and waved to him. At first she had a small child clinging to her skirts, and now this child had grown to full womanhood, and every ...
The Far and the Nearby Thomas Wolfe On the outskirts of a little town upon a rise of land that swept back from the railway there was a tidy little cottage of white boards, trimmed vividly with green blinds. To one side of the house there was a garden neatly patterned with plots of gr...
The Far and the Near by Thomas Wolfe On the outskirts of a little town upon a rise of land that swept back from the railway there was a tidy little cottage of white boards, trimmed vividly with green blinds. To one side of the house there was a garden neatly patterned with plots of ...
TheFarandtheNear ByThomasWolfe Ontheoutskirtsofalittletownuponariseoflandthatsweptbackfrom therailtherewasatidylittlecottageofwhiteboards,trimmedvividlywith greenblinds.Toonesideofthehousetherewasagardenneatlypatterned withplotsofgrowingvegetables,andanarborforthegrapeswhichripened lateinAugust.Beforethehousethere...
In the far and the near, there are different stories. The far may be a place full of mystery and adventure. It could be a far off land that we have only heard about in tales, like the lost city of Atlantis. The near, on the other hand, is what surrounds us every day. It is ...
"The Far and the Near" 是一篇由美国作家约瑟夫·庞德创作的诗歌。这首诗采用了不同的视角和对比的手法,通过描述两个不同场景——远方的荒凉和近处的生机,表达了作者对人类生存状态的思考。 在诗的开头,作者描绘了远方的景象:一片荒芜的沙漠,没有水源,没有生命。这种场景象征着一种孤独、荒凉的生存状态,使人...