罗马帝国衰亡史—Chapter 1—The extent and military force of the Roman empire, in the age of the Antonines 第三部 Military establishment of the Roman Emperors讨论普通士兵的招募,从有产者的公民中招募变为从无产者,特别是从the most profligate of mankind中招募。这降低了士兵的爱国热情和素质,因为“有恒...
—— 引自章节:Chapter 1. The extent of the e >我来写笔记 >The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 作者:Edward Gibbon isbn:1141970031 书名:The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 1 ...
第一章叙述的是两位安东尼皇帝统治下罗马帝国的疆域和概况(The extent and military force of the empire in the age of the Antonines)。 下面的朗读是我从油管上搜刮到的,大家也可以去http://free-audio-books.info/上找音频——后者我没试过。(知乎是不是没法插入音频?这篇文章发在微信公众号上时是有音频...
from the death of Marcus Antoninus, to deduce the most important circumstances of its decline and fall;a revolution which will ever be remembered, and is still felt by the nations of the earth.
Themilitary establishmentof the Roman empire, which thusassured either its tranquillity or success, will now become the proper and important object of our attention. 开始叙述罗马帝国的军队 历史罗马
引自Chapter 1: The extent and military force of the Roman empire, in the age of the Antonines (Trajan) That virtuous and active prince had received the education of a soldier, and possessed the talents of a general. ... Trajan was ambitious of fame; and as long as mankind shall ...
#英文阅读##读书笔记##Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire# 君士坦丁大帝及其王子时期的早期基督教派斗争:正统基督教(Orthodox Christian )与阿里乌派(Arianism基督教早期的一个异端教派)之争。 难点词: 1.Athanasius /ˌæθəˈneɪziəs/ 亚他那修(基督教神学家,正统派教义的坚定支持者) ...
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire《罗马帝国衰亡史》这部书以堂皇宏阔的篇幅,从奥古斯都立为皇帝,将罗马共和国变为罗马帝国写起,直到东罗马帝国灭亡以后,还写了罗马的政变,到教皇重新控制罗马。延续近乎1500年,包括了基督教和伊斯兰教如何兴起,以及罗马帝国周边国家对罗马的影响,有波斯、阿拉...
The Empire, secure from both internal and external threats, prospered under the reign of the "good" emperors. This time period of peace is often referred to as thePax Romana("Roman Peace"). With the conquest of Dacia during the reign of Trajan, the Empire reached its peak of territorial ...
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Chapter I: The Extend Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antoninies. Part I. Introduction -- The Extent And Military Force Of The Empire In The Age Of The Antonines. In the second century of the Christian Æra, the empire of Rome...