The Roman Empire or imperial period (the time of the Roman emperors), is quite precisely stated to have lasted 503 years; beginning with the accession of Octavian/Augustus in 27 BC, through to the fall of Romulus Augustus (also known by his nickname, Augustulus), the last emperor in the ...
Define Roman Empire. Roman Empire synonyms, Roman Empire pronunciation, Roman Empire translation, English dictionary definition of Roman Empire. also Rome An empire that succeeded the Roman Republic during the time of Augustus, who ruled from 27 bc to ad
The meaning of ROMAN EMPIRE is the empire of ancient Rome that began with the imperial rule of Augustus in 27 b.c. and included at its greatest extent (circa 117 a.d.) all of southern Europe, Britain, northern Africa, Egypt, Asia Minor, the northern coas
Share Post the Definition of Holy Roman Empire to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of Holy Roman Empire on Twitter Twitter Geographical Definition Holy Roman Empire geographical name realm of varying extent in central Europe in the medieval and modern periods that had what is now ...
“advocacy” of the Roman church. Likewise the extent of the empire, territorially, had decreased. Neither Otto I nor his successors made any claim, as heirs of Charlemagne, to rule over the West Frankish lands. Henceforward what came to be known as the empire meant simply a union of ...
Italy - Roman Empire, Renaissance, Unification: The Roman Empire was an international political system in which Italy was only a part, though an important part. When the empire fell, a series of barbarian kingdoms initially ruled the peninsula, but, afte
Map of the Roman Empire Map of the Roman Empire at its Greatest Extent (around 117 AD), Showing its Location on a Modern Map of the World
罗马帝国衰亡史—Chapter 1—The extent and military force of the Roman empire, in the age of the Antonines 第三部 Military establishment of the Roman Emperors讨论普通士兵的招募,从有产者的公民中招募变为从无产者,特别是从the most profligate of mankind中招募。这降低了士兵的爱国热情和素质,因为“有恒...
The Empire, secure from both internal and external threats, prospered under the reign of the "good" emperors. This time period of peace is often referred to as thePax Romana("Roman Peace"). With the conquest of Dacia during the reign of Trajan, the Empire reached its peak of territorial ...
During this period, the Empire became increasingly more of a smoothly run bureaucratic machine when commerce prospered, and the overall territory grew to its largest extent in the early second century CE. Of course, some of the Roman subjects did not feel quite as happy with this peace and ...