观念1.2 核心主题:演化解释了生命的统一和多样性(CONCEPT 1.2 The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life) 演化(EVOLUTION)对演化的理解帮助我们理解已知的地球上生命的一切。正如化石记录清楚地表明,生命已经演化了数十亿年,导致了过去和现在生物的庞大多样性。但除了多样性之外,还存在...
第一章 预测的演变 Chapter One The Evolution of Prediction在我还是个小屁孩的时候,就算是闭着眼睛蒙明天的天气会和今天一样,你都能比天气预报更准。我五年级的科学老师就是这样告诉我们的。现在,在美国国家航空航天局网站上的一系列照片中,你可以直观地看到为何你手机上的应用程序能以惊人的准确性预测10天内...
Chapter 1. The Evolution of Ethernet Ethernet is by far the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology in the world today. Market surveys indicate that hundreds of millions … - Selection from Ethernet: The Definitive Guide [Book]
第4章 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION(1) SAIL to the Pacific with some Ancient Mariner, and traverse day by day that silent sea until you reach a region never before furrowed by keel where a tiny island, a mere speck on the vast ocean, has just risen from the depths, a little coral reef cappe...
This suggests that cricket eggs frequently face heterogeneous environments with respect to egg and hatchling survival; the implication of habitat heterogeneity on the evolution of an optimal egg size is considered. The relationships between the reproductive components and female age and size, as well ...
Chapter One The Evolution of the Flying Broomstick NO SPELL YET DEVISED enables wizards to fly unaided in human form. Those few Animagi who transform into winged creatures may enjoy flight, but they are a rarity. The witch or wizard who finds him- or herself Transfigured into a bat may tak...
I present a model describing the evolution and function of various evolved modes of transcendence, such as group-directed transcendence, theory of mind (ToM)-evoking transcendence, aesthetic transcendence, and epistemic transcendence. I then discuss the vulnerability of these modes of transcendence to ...
书名:The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate达尔文女孩 难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数830L 作者:Jacqueline Kelly杰奎琳·凯利 出版社名称:Square Fish 出版时间:2011 语种:英文 ISBN:9780312659301 商品尺寸:13.3 x 2.6 x 19.7 cm 包装:平装 页数:368(以实物为准)
Book contents Chapter contents Show full outline Front Matter Copyright Contributors Foreword Preface Introduction: The evolution of trust in human-robot interaction Part I. Multifaceted nature of trust in human-robot interaction Part II. Explainable trust in human-robot interaction Part III. Trust in ...
evolution2thegradualchange anddevelopmentof an idea, situation, orobjectevolution ofthe evolution of the computerCOLLOCATIONS–Meaning 1: the scientific idea that plants and animals develop and change gradually over a long period of timeverbsevolution happens/takes place(alsoevolution occursformal)We can...