'The end of heat',即处暑,是中国传统二十四节气中的第十四个节气,它标志着炎热夏季的结束和凉爽秋季的开始。这一节气通常落在公历的八月末至九月初,具体时间根据太阳在黄道上的位置而定。处暑并不意味着气温会立即大幅下降,而是表示炎热天气开始逐渐减弱,天气变得干燥,偶尔的大雨后...
-the End of Heat- 处暑是二十四节气之中的第14个节气,主要是指太阳到达黄经150°的那天,开始于每年的8月23日前后。 End of Heat, it is the 14th solar term. It more often refers in particular to the day when the Sun is exactly at the celestial l...
When the End of Heat comes, summer heat is gone. Clouds in the sky scatter around forming different shapes. There is a saying that goes, "Enjoying the clouds of various forms in July and August (lunar month)." 到了处暑,夏天的炎热就消失了...
During the End of Heat season, there is a custom of cooking herbal tea in Guangdong and Guangxi regions of our country. After the End of Heat, the weather in Guangdong and Guangxi is still very hot, and people will drink herbal tea to relieve the heat. 开渔节 对于沿海渔民来说,处暑是...
网络处暑;处暑节气 网络释义 1. 处暑 24节气养生短信 ... 13.立秋: the Beginning of Autumn 14.处暑:the End of Heat15.白露: White Dew ... www.360doc.com|基于69个网页 2. 处暑节气 【处暑节气(The End of Heat)简介】【处暑节气农事】 【处暑节气习俗及养生】 【处暑节气诗词及其他】 处暑 农事...
MR&Er | The End of Heat 时间不懂倒带 生活总有新期待 - 雄亮窗帘家纺城广祥路500号于20240822发布在抖音,已经收获了13.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
The End of Heat 处暑节气课文.docx,The End of Heat General introduction End of Heat. Chinese: Chu Shu. Chu means stopor end, and Shu means summer or heat. Chu Shu means the End of Heat. It is the 14 solar term of the year, and the second of the autumn. It
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The End of Heat(Chu Shu, “处暑” in Chinese) is the 14th term of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms and falls on sometime around August 23. The Chinese character “处” (Chu) means end and “处暑” means the end of hot summer. After the End of Heat, the day-and-night temper...
处暑means 出暑,out of heat,which refers to the official goodbye to summer heat. After the End of Heat, the temperature gap between day and night widens, making people more susceptible to common colds and influenza. Here in Shanghai, the day-and-night temperature gap ranges between 8 and ...