【TED】科普动画集锦 405 The myth of Thor's journey to the land of giants 05:18 【TED】科普动画集锦 406 The neuroscience of imagination 04:49 【TED】科普动画集锦 407 The Opposites Game 04:41 【TED】科普动画集锦 408 The origin of countless conspiracy theories 04:36 【TED】科普动画集...
Perhaps the most mysterious of the races of Middle-earth, Giants are mentioned only fleetingly by Tolkien, but sufficiently often to show that they did...
Giants Dictionary Thesaurus Acronyms Idioms Related to Giants:jets,Redskins,eagles The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. (Gigantes), in ancient Greek mythology, monstrous giants born of Gaea, goddess of earth, from drops of ...
Encyclopedia Related to Giant Sequoias:giant redwoods giant sequoia n. A very tall, coniferous evergreen tree(Sequoiadendron giganteum)native to the high western slopes of the Sierra Nevada in California and having a massive trunk and light-colored, reddish wood. Also calledbig tree,giant redwood...
Cyclops- (Greek mythology) one of a race of giants having a single eye in the middle of their forehead Scylla- (Greek mythology) a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster who lived on one side of a narrow strait; drowned and devoured sailors who tried to escape Charybdis (a whirlpool)...
Steve Quayletells us that the anti-diluvian giants of the Book of Enoch –the original cannibals – are awakening under the Antarctic ice. The Vatican has set up a powerful south-facing telescope in Arizona which it calls Lucifer, at a time when even NASA is admitting the possibility that ...
ENCYCLOPEDIAPORPHY′RION (Porphuriôn).One of the giants, a son of Uranus and Ge. During the fight between the giants and the gods, when Porphyrion intended to offer violence to Hera, or, according to others, attempted to throw the island of Delos against the gods, Zeus hurled a ...
and as the seasons moved round she bare the strong Erinyes, and the great Gigantes (Giants) [probably the Kouretes (Curetes)] with gleaming armour, holding long spears in their hands and the Nymphai (Nymphs) whom they call Meliai (Meliae) [probably the nurses of Zeus] all over the bou...
[32] whose king, Alcinous, is the great-grandson of the king of the giants, Eurymedon, and the grandson of Poseidon.[29] Some of the other characters that Odysseus encounters are the cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon; Circe, a sorceress who turns men into animals; and the ...
He ventures to the four outer regions of Termina, using transformative masks to free the Four Giants. On the Final Day, the Four Giants hold up the Moon. Link thwarts Majora, the demon inhabiting the mask, and destroys it. The Hero of Time leaves Termina to continue his search for ...