I do know that technologically humanity now has the opportunity, for the first time in its history, to operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced. This is possible not...
If you want to have players stumble across the ruins of an Uorallan outpost in the Shadow Marches — evidence of a settlement completely lost to history — do it. But I don’t think we’ll be defining those pre-Lhazaar civilizations in significantly more detail in a canon source. (The ...
A revealing journey through time and social attitudes explores the history of the Greek island of Mykonos, famous in ancient times for its sexual freedom and still known as a place of tolerance, discussing history's changing attitudes toward homosexuality. By the author of Courtesans & Fishcakes ...
Winter Poster. The Deerclops is clearly visible in the trees. Spring Poster. The Moose is hiding in the trees. Summer poster. The Dragonfly's arms can be seen in the air behind the trees. A still photo of the Bearger. Moose embryo in Spring teaser. ...
摘要: Most countries and civilizations have stories about giants in their culture. In Greek and Roman times, Giants were an integral part of history. Ovid documents the story of Giants who once piled mountains up to the stars and were destroyed when Zeus hurled his...
Grant me this, and then in the next chapters I promise I'll give you the answers to history's puzzles instead of the denials and fabrications that you have heard from your youth until you picked up this book (and which you'll continue to hear — but be able to recognize for the lie...
Facts and history of the Causeway. The Unesco World heritage Site? The Giant’s Causeway and the Causeway Coast in Northern Ireland is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered a remarkable area of global geological significance. Each year, more than a million visitors come ...
Ancient horses lived in North America from about 50 million to 11,000 years ago, when they went extinct at the end of the last ice age, said Ross MacPhee, curator emeritus of mammalogy at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. "One of the great peculiarities of this ...
Pliny the Elder, Natural History 7. 197 (trans. Rackham) (Roman encyclopedia C1st A.D.) : "[On inventions :] Manufactures of bronze some ascribe to the Chalybes [an Anatolian tribe] and others to the Cyclopes."Pliny the Elder, Natural History 7. 198 : "Working in iron was invented ...
Dr. Rex Gilroy, Australian archaeologist, director of the Mount York Natural History Museum, recently discovered“fossil imprints of feet of giant whose authenticity could not be questioned.” Not to mention the discovery near Valence (France) in 1456, a skeleton that measured more than 7 meters...