In this thesis we investigate the electron-phonon interaction in metals in the superconducting and normal states. A transformed Hamiltonian is derived in the superconducting state which involves realistic electron and phonon spectra obtained from previously published experimental data on de Haas-van Alphen...
Electron-phonon interaction in the f-band metals La, Ce and Th: Electronic aspects including the spin-orbit interactions The electron-ion scattering parameter η is calculated for the f-band metals La, Ce and Th using self-consistent muffin-tin potentials. The corrections wit... WE Pickett -...
For low energies, this is a direct measurement of the energy dependence of the electron-phonon interaction strength of electrons in a specific orbit on the Fermi surface. Also for higher energies effects of the anisotropy of the electron-phonon interaction are observed....
For some time there has been considerable interest in the phonon anomalies in transition metals. A major stimulus for much of the present activity was the work of Varma and co-authors [1,2]. By a judicious separation of the total crystal energy, they isolated the long and short ranged ...
transition metals/ transition metalsspherical approximationBloch functionselectron phonon mass enhancement/ A6320K Phonon-electron interactionsIt is shown that an expression for the mass enhancement factor λ, recently deduced by Gaspari and Gyorffy, remains valid when a more general form is assumed for...
electron-phonon interactionsferromagnetismmagnetisation/ electron-phonon interactionmagnetizationmetallic ferromagnetsitinerant electron ferromagneteffective magnetic fieldspin splittingmodel electronic structureWe show that the effect of the electron-phonon interaction in the ferromagnetic state of an itinerant electron ...
Electron-phonon interaction in transition metal diborides TB_2 (T=Zr, Nb, Ta) studied by point-contact spectroscopy The electron-phonon interaction (EPI) in transition-metal diborides T B 2 ( T = Zr , Nb , Ta ) is investigated by point-contact (PC) spectroscopy. The PC... YG Naidyuk...
Using the weak-localization method, we have measured the electron-phonon scattering times $\tau_{ep}$ in Pd$_{60}$Ag$_{40}$ thick films prepared by DC- and RF-sputtering deposition techniques. In both series of samples, we find an anomalous $1/\tau_{ep}
It is found that the presence of the double well results in anomalous behaviors of these quantities. 展开 关键词: YU-ANDERSON MODEL LOCAL-PHONON MODEL ELECTRON-PHONON INTERACTION A15 COMPOUND FERMI-SURFACE EFFECT DOI: 10.1143/JPSJ.61.937 被引量: 1 ...
Although this high Tc is thought to be associated with electron–phonon coupling (EPC)2, the microscopic coupling mechanism and its role in the superconductivity remain elusive. Here we use momentum-selective high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy to atomically resolve the phonons at the ...