Electron-phonon interaction is considered within the framework of the fluctuating valence of Cu atoms. Anderson's lattice Hamiltonian is suitably modified to take this into account. Using Green's function technique the possible quasiparticle excitations are determined. The quantity 2u2206k(0)/kBTc is...
The remarkable increase in superconducting transition temperature (Tc) observed at the interface of one-unit-cell FeSe films on SrTiO3 substrates (1 uc FeSe/STO)1 has attracted considerable research into the interface effects2,3,4,5,6. Although this high Tc is thought to be associated with...
Furthermore, a thorough study of the el-ph interaction requires the ability to control the temperature. Despite many theoretical works15–18 and one experimental result obtained in a slightly different regime19, the influence of electron-phonon interaction on quantum interference has not been clearly...
For copper nanoparticles with diameters smaller than the bulk electron mean free path of copper, we find that the electron-phonon coupling constant is size dependent due to the interaction between electrons and surface phonon modes. By using ultrafast laser spectroscopy and the optical detection ...
In summary, we demonstrate MeV ion-induced damage recovery using the 2T-MD method, where the electron-phonon interaction is considered. The results indicate that strong electron-phonon coupling and reduced electronic thermal conductivity of equiatomic NiFe alloy, compared to pure Ni, are the deciding...
Tem- perature dependence of electron-phonon relaxation time of charge carriers in p-Si/SiGe heterojunctionsheterojunctionselectron-phonon relaxation timecharge carriersAndrievskil V, VBerkutov I. BKomnik Yu, Fфизиканизкихтемператур...
The electron-temperature dependence of power loss, determined experimentally at liquid-helium temperatures with TL0 ≅ 1.7 K, fits well to both the 2D and 3D theoretical models in the low-temperature regime, while the results at TL0 ≅ 3.5 and 5.9 K fit best to those in the intermediate-...
which mainly exist along the grain boundaries. An electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) was utilized to observe the distribution of pores and precipitates among the Cu1.992SSe0.016(Cu2SnSe4)0.004sample, as shown in Supplementary Fig.3. Energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) spot scanning was performed ...
Here, using the four-dimensional electron energy-loss spectroscopy technique, we directly measure both the local vibrational spectra and the interface phonon dispersion relation for an epitaxial cubic boron nitride/diamond heterointerface. In addition to bulk phonon modes, we observe modes localized at ...
(1) a scattering from the interfaces between Pt and Co layers because mixing of atoms and presence of dislocations at interfaces causes the interface scattering21 and/or (2) the coupling strength change between electron and phonon because a strong coupling interaction causes a faster relaxation in...