We believe this is the first evidence of the polar phonon scattering for transport at the Si SiO 2 interface.doi:10.1016/S0167-9317(99)00346-9Jian-Qiang LuFrederick KochelsevierMicroelectronic EngineeringJ.-Q. Lu and F. Koch, "Polar phonon scattering at the Si-SiO2 interface," Microelectron....
The breakdown of translational symmetry at heterointerfaces leads to the emergence of new phonon modes localized at the interface1. These modes have an essential role in thermal and electrical transport properties in devices, especially in miniature ones wherein the interface may dominate the entire re...
The new model of phonon transmission across the interface between two crystals is proposed featured by taking into account the mismatch of crystal lattices. It has been found that the mismatch of lattices results in phonon scattering at the interface even in the absence of defects. As it has ...
The defect is the Si|X interface in a nanowire containing a δ-layer (X is C or Ge). The phonon-defect interactions are temperature dependent and involve the trapping of phonons for meaningful lengths of time in defect- related, localized, vibrational modes. No phonon scattering occurs and ...
The defect is the Si|X interface in a nanowire containing a δ-layer (X is C or Ge). The phonon-defect interactions are temperature dependent and involve the trapping of phonons for meaningful lengths of time in defect- related, localized, vibrational modes. No phonon scattering occurs and ...
Using the method of series expansion, interface-phonon vibrational modes are calculated in the dielectric continuum model for the graded quantum well of Ga1-xAlxAs with a Ga0.6Al0.4As barrier. The intrasubband and intersubband scattering rates are obtained as functions of quantum-well width. The...
We have found that the electron scattering depends strongly on the potential parameters and the usual selection rules for these transitions are broken down in asymmetric heterostructures; the interface LO modes are more important than the interface TO modes for the electron-interface phonons scattering ...
Define phonon. phonon synonyms, phonon pronunciation, phonon translation, English dictionary definition of phonon. n. The quantum of acoustic or vibrational energy, considered as a quasiparticle and used especially in mathematical models to calculate the
Sensitive Measurements of the Phonon Scattering and Transmission at a Silicon-Helium InterfaceThe transmission of phonons across interfaces has been of interest since Kapitza measured a thermal boundary resistance between solids and liquid helium [1] . Khalitnikov developed the acoustic mismatch model (...
Nevertheless, due to the weak bonding between nanofillers, phonons are heavily scattered at the contact interface and thus the heat transport efficiency is subject to significant suppression. To minimize interface phonon scattering, high-temperature treatment and filler orientations have been adopted to ...