The effects of prayer on mental wellbeing - Poloma - 1993 () Citation Context ...han the self, God. This type of communication has been part of human life for thousands and thousands of years and continues...
People were instructed how to pray, where and when they were to do it and, most of all, what constituted the righteous and suitable subjects of prayer. A good example is Konrad Holtnicker’s second Rogation Day sermon. It has a threefold division that is built around praying. The first...
I tried so many different things, but very few seemed to have lasting effects. I finally found a very simple method and wrote it down. When I shared it with friends, they also had big breakthroughs in their own healing. I started carrying around photocopies of my notes because every time ...
The ripple effects created by sitting next to a stranger at a restaurant result from consciously connecting to something greater than ourselves. This is the power of faith. This is the power of prayer. Whether we believe this to be true or not, our thoughts create. Whether we believe in th...
As we have seen, it was generally assumed well into the twentieth century that the effects of religious belief were beneficial and religious belief the healthy norm. 'True' or not, religions promoted morality, provided guidance through the travails of life, and generally inculcated 'healthy' ...
If only you saw the beauty of the whole of this piece, how everything there is harmonious, how the effects work together, how everything is brought out without effort or affectation. How those mountains on the right are wrapped in vapor. How beautiful those rocks and superimposed edifices ...
Pendleton (1991) ‘The effects of prayer and prayer experiences on measures of general well-being’ Journal of Psychology and Theology 19 71–83 Google Scholar J. Post-White C. Ceronsky M.J. Kreitzer K. Nickelson D. Drew K.W. Mackey L. Koopmeiners S. Gutknecht (1996) ‘Hope, ...
In Study 2 (N = 191) we examine whether it is prayer for the partner or simply prayer in general that ac-counts for effects on satisfaction. We also establish that prayer for the partner ac-counts for unique variance in satisfaction beyond that contributed by positive and negative dyadic ...
Affect as a noun is generally used in psychology and means the observable manifestations of someone’s emotional state. What does effect mean? As a noun, effect refers to the outcome of an event or situation that created a change. For example, you can feel the effects of a cold or an ...
St. Vincent De Paul, pray that seminarians may return to a life of prayer and meditation. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray that religious may re-discover their vocation of love and sacrifice. St. Thomas More, pray that the laity may not succumb to the Great Apostasy. ...