New Center to Promote Studies of Effects of PrayerGeoff Pingree and Lisa Abend Correspondents of The Christian Science Monitor
aCapital punishment may well have strong deterrent effects; there is evidence that few categories of murders are inherently un-deterrable, even so-called crimes of passion; some studies find extremely large deterrent effects; error and arbitrariness undoubtedly occur, but the evidence of deterrence ...
Psychology can be incorporated as well because religion can have both negative and positive psychological effects. An example is how religion can be used to persuade people to do both good and bad things depending on how it is taught and interpreted. Focusing on the aspect of the deadly sins ...
Effects of adrenomedullin on the human adrenal glands: an in vitro study. Numerous lines of evidence indicate that adrenal medulla exerts a paracrine control on the secretory activity of the cortex by releasing catecholamines and... PG Andreis,G Neri,T Prayer-Galetti,... - 《Journal of Clinica...
This chapter consists of national case studies, which describe and analyse the current regulation of sports concussion. It collects, examines and analyses the data obtained from the different sports and countries selected. It focuses on professional team sports and countries that have a history of, ...
aHowever, taking a part-time job may have some negative effects on students. Firstly, it will take them much time and energy, so it will affect their studies as a result. What's worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies in the end. 然而...
Adrenomedullin (AM) is a vasodilative peptide with various physiological functions, including the maintenance of vascular tone and endothelial barrier function. AM levels are markedly increased during severe inflammation, such as that associated with sep
Some of the biblical studies you will find in this application: - Pentecost and New Birth Realities - Jesus and prayer - God loves us - Judas' death and its timing - The armor of God - Who is the author of the Bible and who wrote it? - On the interpretation of the Bible - II Ti...
These studies are not presented as a last word on the life of the prophet but it is my prayer that the Lord, by His matchless grace, will use them to His glory and honor and for the building up of the saints for a deeper walk by faith in our loving and sovereign God. So I ...
Studies looking at direct mental influence without healing intention will not be included unless the effects ofthe intention on the system have an obvious link to health and well being. For instance, studies investigatingthe effects of human intention upon DNA would be included but studies looking ...