The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional gaming, cognitive style and feedback type on the achievement of different learning objectives.Brian H. CameronCameron, B. (2004). The effect of gaming, cognitive style and feedback type in facil...
We surveyed more than 1,000 gamers about one of the effects of gaming: stress.Read on as we explore why some games induce stress and how the right setup can level up your leisure. Popular in Gaming Video games debut monthly, but some of our survey participants’ favorites have been ...
Andrew Przybylski suggested that researchers need to work more with the video game industry "to study how games impact a wider, and more diverse, sample of players over time." He added, "We'll need more and better data to get to the heart of the effects of games, for good or ill, o...
However, few studies have been conducted on the mechanism of game loyalty of playbors. This study investigates the effects of game experience and fanwork creation on game loyalty through the mediation effect of three types of perceived value: functional, hedonic, and intrinsic value. Based on ...
In colleges, there is a limit to finding and intervening with students with an overuse problem, so it is necessary to investigate how to obtain therapeutic effects through a simple method. As problematic gaming is increasing, it is time to study how monitoring, a simple intervention method that...
In contrast, in their meta-analysis, Clark et al. (2015) systematically review articles to study the detailed effects of digital games on learning outcomes, concluding that games are important in supporting productive learning and highlighting the significant role of gaming design beyond its medium....
If the relationship between gamers' gaming progression, motives, and PIU can be revealed, we might further understand what the maladjustment is. The current study was conducted on college gamers, analyzing their development from game involvement to PIU, and focusing on the mediation effects of the...
In conclusion, the psychology of gaming is a complex and multifaceted topic. While gaming can have many positive effects on the brain and behaviour, it’s important to approach gaming in a healthy and balanced way to avoid negative outcomes. As with any activity, it is important to approach ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of adding an escape room game-based learning activity at the end of classroom teaching in a Gerontological Nursing course on nursing students’ learning attitude and game flow experience. Methods In April 2023, a total of 84 nursing ...
The main aim of gamification, i.e. the implementation of game design elements in real-world contexts for non-gaming purposes, is to foster human motivation and performance in regard to a given activity. Previous research, although not entirely conclusive, generally supports the hypothesis underlying...