We present a theoretical model that takes into account the effect of gravity on the resolution function as well as the flux distribution for the specular neutron reflectometry. Theoretically calculated reflectivity curves convoluted with the model resolution function were compared with Monte-Carlo ...
Fire safety is a concern in space travel, particularly with the current plans of increasing the length of the manned space missions, and of using spacecraft atmospheres different than in Earth, such as microgravity, low-velocity gas flow, low pressure an
This chapter describes the effect of gravity on the rough solid–liquid interface the sessile drop method. Under the adsorption, the liquid touches only the gentle slope parts of the solid surface because troughs of the surface are filled with the adsorbed gas. Therefore, the adsorption effectivel...
10). The effect of gravity, significant for surface waves at those periods, is not accounted for in the synthetics due to methodological limitations of Instaseis. In conjunction with our restriction to the 1D PREM model instead of incorporating 3D subsurface information, remaining differences between...
An analysis was made of the effect of gravity upon the 'melt-through time' of a solid subjected to a high intensity laser. The analysis was accomplished by dividing a slab into a number of finite elements and performing an energy and force balance for each finite element, resulting in a ...
Effect of gravity on breathing. In the vertical position, exhalation occurs when the abdomen constricts (slight tightening of the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor) pushes the diaphragm up, allowing the air to go out. It needs to push against gravity. In the vertical...
With the aim of improving the efficiency of laser drilling, an upward drilling method is proposed. In the experiment, a long pulsed laser beam was arranged to propagate upwards, in the opposite direction to gravity, and was used to drill hole at the bottom of an aluminum slab. A semi-infi...
After removing the platen restriction, the clay–water mixture flows under the effect of gravity. The fluid propagation distance and fluid slice contour are recorded in both the experiment and simulation. To determine the parameters of the HBP model, the calibration result by Han et al. [25] ...
Spaceflight removes the normal loading effects of gravity on the cardiovascular system and initiates 'ageing-like' deconditioning, including loss of physical fitness, arterial stiffening, and development of insulin resistance Exposure to cosmic radiation during space travel might induce late cardiovascular di...
索卡尔的钓鱼论文:Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 Transgressing disciplinary boundaries ... [is] a subversive undertaking since it is likely to violate the sanctuaries of accepted ways of perceiving. Among the most fortified...