Why does gravity affect time?Question:Why does gravity affect time?Gravity:Gravity is a force that attracts two objects. Many people think of Sir Isaac Newton and how he watched an apple fall from a tree when we think of gravity. Gravity does not just relate to falling objects, but is al...
Current thinking is split between gravity having a quantum property and gravity simply being an effect in the way that mass warps space-time. Notwithstanding these ideas it could be that there is a quantum particle that contributes to the effect that matter is seen to always move towards th...
Does gravity affect centripetal force?Linear Motion:Newton's laws of motion tell us that, absent an unbalanced force, objects will move in a straight line (with constant velocity). This means, that when we see an object traveling in a circle, there must be some force at work to make ti...
So, if gravity is the bending of space-time, gravity is a force and all forces are quantized, maybe space-time itself comes in discrete little blocks. Maybe there are fundamental units of space-time at some unfathomably tiny scale. Welcome to the theory of loop quantum gravity. Related: ...
doi:10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9591524.0384Elizabeth R DevineWilliam P MilbergJorge M SerradorJournal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism
String theory suggests the existence of extra spatial dimensions beyond the familiar three, which could potentially be manipulated to affect gravity [1, 2]. ● Loop quantum gravity, on the other hand, attempts to quantize spacetime itself, suggesting that it is composed of discrete, interwoven ...
dehumidifier in extremely moist conditions, however, or if you need to keep your dehumidifier on all the time, you should look into a unit with a built-in condensate pump, which regularly pumps water out of the unit's reservoir rather than simply relying on gravity to empty it as a hose...
. Themoonischangingitsownshapesallthetime. . Themoontravelsaroundtheearthbecausegravitypullsit. . Ifthereisnosunlightatall,wecan'tseedifferentphasesofthemoon. . CrescentMoonmeanswecanseelessthanhalfofthemoon.(B)Thefirstsatellitewentintoorbit(轨道)onOctober4th,1957.ItsnamewasSputnik.SputnikisaRussianword...
Loring speculates that microgravity conditions may more closely mirror the conditions experienced by cells within the brain compared to organoids grown under conventional lab conditions and in the presence of gravity. “The characteristics of microgravity are probably also at work in people’s brains...
Is gravity faster than the speed of light? Does uniformitarianism apply to the speed of light? Why is time called a paradox? Why does relativity of simultaneity occur? What is the speed of light measured in? Does gravity affect the speed of light?