The Drosophila anatomy ontology (DAO) consists of over 8000 classes with broad coverage of Drosophila anatomy. It has been used extensively for annotation by a range of resources, but until recently it was poorly formalised and had few textual definitions. Results We have transformed the DAO into...
The Drosophila anatomy ontology is a query-able reference source for information on Drosophila anatomy. It also provides controlled vocabularies for use in annotation and classification of data related to Drosophila anatomy, such as gene expression, phenotypes and images. It was originally developed by...
Drosophila Anatomy Ontology and the Gene Ontology.) This work would also not have been possible without the FlyBase Consortium, which provided the infrastructure and context, and which generates and maintains the
A recent standardization effort (BrainName; Manuscript in preparation) has produced a segmented, 3D model of the Drosophila brain annotated with a controlled vocabulary. We are formalizing these developments to produce a web-based ontology-linked atlas in which gross brain anatomy is defined, in ...
Ciona robusta (Ciona intestinalis type A), a model organism for biological studies, belongs to ascidians, the main class of tunicates, which are the closest relatives of vertebrates. In Ciona, a project on the ontology of both development and anatomy is
The Zebrafish Anatomy Ontology (ZFA) is an application ontology used by ZFIN to support curation of expression and phenotype. The research community also uses the ontology to support annotation of high throughput studies. As the research focus of the zebrafish community evolves it drives changes in...
This repository contains the ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM), which contains terms used to describe the cuticle - as a single anatomical structure - and the skeletal muscle system, to be used in insect biodiversity research. Topics ontology obofoundry ontology...
BTO,theBRENDATissueOntology(http:// .BTO.brenda-enzymes)representsacompre- hensivestructuredencyclopediaoftissueterms. Theprojectstartedin2003tocreateaconnection betweentheenzymedatacollectionoftheBRENDA enzymedatabaseandastructurednetworkof sourcetissuesandcelltypes.Currently,BTO ...
S. Methods for studying metabolism in Drosophila. Methods 68, 105–115 (2014). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Palomares, M. L. D. & Pauly, D. SeaLifeBase v.12/2010 (2010); Le Bagousse‐Pinguet, Y. et al. Traits of neighbouring plants and space ...
Moreover, recent spatial transcriptomic analysis of the macaque brain has directly shown the relationship between variations in gene expression and the traditional anatomy and neurophysiology-based information flow hierarchy of the visual signal network53. It should be noted that the myelination signal ...