The digital ageing atlas: integrating the diversity of age-related changes into a unified resource. Nucleic Acids Res. 43, D873–D878 (2015). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Digital Aging Atlas. DAA (2015). Tacutu, R. et al. Human ageing genomic resources: new and ...
Digital brain atlases reveal postnatal development to 2 years of age in human infants Nature Methods Research Briefing 30 Dec 2022 Sections Figures References Abstract Main Results Discussion Methods Data availability Code availability References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Peer rev...
Digital reconstruction of the mammalian spinal cord: from anatomical reference volume to cell type atlas of the mouse spinal cord Simulation of neuronal activity Using the NEURON simulation package, the circuit information is loaded from disk, instantiating the various cell models (morphologies with ion...
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a deviant person a di da a digital photographe a digital rectal exam a digital video camer a dining room a dinosaur babv a diplomatic body a disabled person a discussion of teach a discussion on the f a discussion on the z a disease without bor a disgrace like you i a dispute a contr...
The epistemology of misinformation in a digital age: educational responses August 11, 2024 Conrad Hughes Leave a comment The turmoil that has swept across the UK has its seeds in disinformation. The Southport stabbings of children by a 17 year old boy sparked outrage and strong emotions. As ...
Digital image analysis of tumor bopsies to detect and enumerate types of infiltrating antitumor effector cells and suppressor cells; one such procedure gaining prominence is the “Immunoscore” [108]; Presence of PD-L1 and/or CD47 on tumor cells and/or antigen-presenting cells, which may identify...
The Atlas Air is an unassuming thing, however, so if you're at all bothered by looks then maybe you might be slightly put off. But the lack of bells and whistles adds to the design of the headset with an obvious preference for a light feel and serious long-term comfort while playing....
In the near future, it will be important to develop digital tools to support YACs that match their specific needs. This may enable healthcare professionals to offer targeted and personalized digital support to YACs in future.View this article's peer review reports ...
The Allen Brain Atlas, a Web-based, genome-wide atlas of gene expression in the adult mouse brain, was an experiment on a massive scale. The development of the atlas faced a combination of great technical challenges and a non-traditional open research model, and it encountered many hurdles ...