Hi! I tried to do lora with llama2 model. However, when I use peft==0.9.0, loss is always NAN.0, when I use peft==0.3.0, loss is normal. I'm curious if there are significant differences in Lora between different versions?
How plants avoid incest: different versions of the same gene can be either dominant or recessive. A small non-coding RNA mediates such differences in dominance as part of a system that prevents inbreeding in plantsDaphne GoringEmily Indriolo...
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-associated mortality worldwide1. Here we analysed 1,644 tumour regions sampled at surgery or during follow-up from the first 421 patients with non-small cell lung cancer prospectively enrolled into the TRACERx s
The particular ribozymal activity Dr Cech’s team found was an “autocatalytic” rearrangement of an RNA molecule (the actual discovery was made by Paula Grabowski, a graduate student). The molecule was destined to become part of a ribosome—as the protein ...
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) trigger plant innate immunity that acts as the first line of inducible defense against pathogen infection. A receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase BOTRYTIS-INDUCED KINASE 1 (BIK1) functions as a signaling hub imm
These peaks are a key component of many downstream analyses using Cell Ranger ATAC, including cell clustering, cell-type identification, and peak motif identification. The same is true for Cell Ranger ARC, which also determines feature linkages between ATAC peaks and gene expression....
are either A. all in your head, B. caused by stress, or C. would go away if you could just lose weight – of course families are desperate for answers. So when a website offers a single test to cover everything – it sounds like it’s worth spending a couple hundred dollars to ...
Summary ofL. plantarumIS-10506 genes annotated as potentially harmful. The y-axis shows the metabolic annotation of a gene by KAAS; if a gene was not assigned to any potentially harmful pathway, it was assigned as not annotated (NA). Colours indicate the tool used for identification ...
Molecular docking is a computational technique that predicts the binding affinity of ligands to receptor proteins. Although it has potential uses in nutraceutical research, it has developed into a formidable tool for drug development. Bioactive substances called nutraceuticals are present in food sources ...
(A) Sequence alignment and length of 16S rRNA genes. (B) Genome distance analysis using the distance algorithms AAI, ANI, Mash, and Tetra. (C) Comparison of numbers of SNVs and InDels. pSNV: SNVs called by Parsnp, mSNV: SNVs called by MUMmer, mInsert, and mDelete: Inserts and ...