How plants avoid incest: different versions of the same gene can be either dominant or recessive. A small non-coding RNA mediates such differences in dominance as part of a system that prevents inbreeding in plantsDaphne GoringEmily Indriolo...
When I selecttask_type=TaskType.SEQ_CLSthe loss is always nan after a gradient update, this does not happen when selectingtask_type=TaskType.CAUSAL_LMbut selectingtask_type=TaskType.CAUSAL_LMdoesn't save the the weight of "score".
for gene groups [22]. To demonstrate the functionality and performance of our pipeline, we processed two mouse brain transcriptome datasets from memory formation studies using CoRMAP [23, 24]. These two studies not only used two different versions of the mouse genome but also used different ...
Not every gene that we inherit gets activated in this way. Whether these switches shut off the genes depends on which particular parent they come from. In an experiment on mice, scientists found that genes were 1. 5 times more likely to be activated if they were from the dad's side, ...
A gene is a portion ofDNAthat determines a trait. A trait is a characteristic, or a feature, passed from one generation to another, like height or eye color. Genes come in multiple forms or versions. Each of these forms is called an allele. For example, the gene responsible for the ha...
The testing pyramid has been popularized over the past several years to explain the different types of testing and how common each of them are in software. You can find many different versions of the testing pyramid out there, and its use is still debated, but we'll try to provide a...
Differentially expressed genes related to polyploidization in industrial hemp High-throughput transcriptome sequencing was per- formed to shed further light on the effect of poly- ploidization on gene expression and the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. A total of 52.77 G clean reads with a ...
Gene expression analysis revealed that different groups of BnaTIFY gene family members have distinct spatiotemporal expression patterns in normal conditions or following treatment with different abiotic/biotic stresses and hormones. The JAZ subfamily members were predominantly expressed in B. napus roots, ...
The single-cell atlases presented here are a powerful resource to explore hypothalamic cell types and reveal how gene family evolution and shifts in paralogue expression contribute to cellular diversity.This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution ...
Exosomes are vesicles encompassed by a lipid bilayer that are released by various living cells. Exosomal proteins are encapsulated within the membrane or embedded on the surface. As an important type of exosome cargo, exosomal proteins can reflect the ph