Over 5,000 CEOs and founders representing over 400,000 employees have signed this petition. If you're a current founder or CEO, please consider signing: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0_0JOGdaXSDs-WaAXzzEy_tR7akOF7GBTfTb-r-Me0trNPQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Aras...
Previous studies reported that RAGE participated in the process of kidney fibrosis, but the function and regulation pathway of RAGE in proximal tubular cells in this process remains unclear. Here, we found that expression of RAGE was increased by TGF-β1
The size of the tumors was monitored every 2 days; two perpendicular dimensions of tumors were measured with a dial caliper. The volume was calculated based on the formula: V = 0.25 a × b 2; a is the longest and b is the shortest dimension. At the end of experiment, ...
Perit Dial Int. 20 Suppl 3, S5–96 (2000). 2. Robinson, B. V. Observations upon the Absorption of Fluids by the Peritoneum. Ann Surg. 25, 332–350 (1897). 3. Tenckhoff, H. & Schechter, H. A bacteriologically safe peritoneal access device. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs. 14, ...
If you have a slow (dialup) connection, you may want to use these links: A to DE to IJ to PQ to Z With over 25,000 direct MSDS sources, and hundreds of thousands more 1 more click away, this is the most complete MSDS source on the internet. It's also one of the very few th...
Articular cartilage is a unique and a vascular connective tissue that covers diarthrodial joint surfaces, which is mainly composed by tissue fluid, type II collagen (Col2) and proteoglycans. Articular chondrocyte, as the sole cell type in cartilage, is the sensor of articular cartilage homeostasis...
a 与三星SDS公司就康斯丹郡高级住宅项目分包到家居智能箱、综合布线、卫星电视系统产品及工程合同,合同额共140万人民币 The high-quality housing project sublets with Tristar SDS Corporation on Kang Si Danjun lives at home the intelligent box, the synthesis wiring, the satellite TV syst...
In preparation for sequencing, all purified products were run on a 1% agarose gel with 0.0001% GelRed Nucleic Acid Stain, 10,000x in Water (Biotium, Hayward, CA) added for DNA visualisation and using Gel Loading Dye Purple (6x), no SDS (New England BioLabs). UV photographs of gels were...
Top (non-invasive) cells were removed, and bottom (invasive) cells were fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde, stained with Toluidine Blue, and solubilized in SDS (2%); the absorbance was recorded at 520 nm. The results were presented as the average absorbance of invasive cells. Migration assay. ...
(Supplementary Fig.2). Of note, although all the methods showed that stirring and shaking increased the content of IVIG aggregates, the absorbance, SDS PAGE and MFI results suggested that the stirred preparation appeared to have relatively higher number of particles, particularly smaller than 10 ...