Define wetland. wetland synonyms, wetland pronunciation, wetland translation, English dictionary definition of wetland. n. A lowland area, such as a marsh or swamp, that is saturated with moisture: a program to preserve our state's wetlands. American Her
Define wetlands. wetlands synonyms, wetlands pronunciation, wetlands translation, English dictionary definition of wetlands. Bogs, marshes, swamps, flood plains, and estuaries. Many have high and varied populations of plants and animals. Dictionary of Un
2022). For example, the definition of wetlands in Swiss maps changed from ‘not passable by horse’ in earlier maps toward a distinction based on reed vegetation (Gimmi et al. 2011). The semantic discrepancies between maps for different regions or points in time hence limit their comparability...
This contribution focuses on the development of a classification typology for a series of wetlands in southern Spain, based on hydromorphological elements. Spanish wetlands and playa-lakes are usually small (<50ha) and temporary and, for that reason, only indirectly addressed in the WFD with ...
“ecosystem services” that they provide humanity, ranging from freshwater supply, food and building materials, and biodiversity, to flood control, groundwater recharge, and climate change mitigation. The Convention uses a broad definition of wetlands. This includes all lakes and rivers, underground ...
Further complicating the definition of wetlands, a recent court decision found that even artificially created wetlands, such as man-made ponds, may be subject to regulation. Hydro developers must be aware of current regulatory requirements before they consider development of any site that may contain...
In 2020 the Environmental Protection Agency narrowed the definition of "waters of the United States," significantly limiting wetland protection under the Clean Water Act. Current policy debates center on the uncertainty around wetland benefits. We estimate the value of wetlands for flood mitigation acro...
Define wetness. wetness synonyms, wetness pronunciation, wetness translation, English dictionary definition of wetness. adj. wet·ter , wet·test 1. Covered or soaked with a liquid, such as water: a wet towel. 2. Not yet dry or firm: wet paint. 3. a. Sto
On the basis of the explanation of wetland definition and wetland classification,this paper discusses the wetland functions in urban construction and wetland protection measures.The purpose is to enhance people's awareness of wetland conservation,and to provide a theoretical reference for modern harmonious...
2018). Hydropower projects can also contribute to climate change as they result in the drainage of wetlands and flooding of forests that would otherwise act as carbon sinks, their construction is highly energy intensive and they are the largest single human source of methane (International Rivers ...