This region is also the largest, highest and most diversified wetland globally, encompassing a densely-covered area of around 1100 km2 [44]. This region is dominated by alpine meadow, scrub meadow and grassland and comprises a relatively simple ecosystem with a unique ecological environment, as ...
In palm oil plantation: “We do not develop oil palm cultivation in prohibited areas, such as forest areas with high carbon stock, peatland, and wetland areas” (PS-2). In the forestry industry, they stated: “We get SVLK and FSC certification. We also implement RIL” (PS-3). “...
The long-term diversification of the biosphere responds to changes in the physical environment. Yet, over the continents, the nearly monotonic expansion of life started later in the early part of the Phanerozoic eon1than the expansion in the marine realm, where instead the number of genera waxed...
The stem CH4emissions from the 12-year-old reclaimed forest ranged from 30 to 537 µg m−2h−1, similar to those observed in natural, undisturbed upland forests (Han et al.2022; Wang et al.2016). This similarity implies that the 12-year-old reclaimed forest has developed soil and ...
seawater. This implies that sessile-mode bacterial nitrifiers likely display an enhanced activity compared to their planktonic counterparts. To confirm this, below we will explore biogeochemical mechanisms inherent to the plastisphere and compare them with those in seawater....
I sat in a circle of religious environmentalists in a California wilderness. Each of us wore a mask we had made to represent a species or element of the nonhuman world: bear, eagle, butterfly, elephant, whale, mountain, river, redwood, maple leaf, wind, ocean, wetland, desert––some ...
Increased flooding and newly formed rills and gullies were observed in the Cheleleka wetland watershed, over the past three to five years. These events are due to problems related to land use changes and are adversely affecting land productivity. This st
It is likely that this compound, alongside MeFBSA, is providing a source of C2–C4 perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAs) to Antarctic surface waters. We recommend that long–term air monitoring be established in Antarctica for volatile PFCs and possibly accompanied by deposition monitoring for the PFAs....
Throughout Phase I, the iLEAPS community has invested in creating new ways to observe and model the land-atmosphere continuum: observation systems have developed into networks of long-term flux stations and large-scale land-atmosphere observation platforms and, more recently, to combining remote sens...
this statement, the draft of the flood risk management plan for the German part of the Elbe river areal unit (RBC Elbe 2014 [136]) just mentions “sediments” once—in the glossary (“the term ‘sediment dynamics’ comprises transport-, deposition-, and remobilization processes of sediments”...