Define fatalism. fatalism synonyms, fatalism pronunciation, fatalism translation, English dictionary definition of fatalism. n. 1. The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable. 2. Acceptance of the belief that all
Define fatalness. fatalness synonyms, fatalness pronunciation, fatalness translation, English dictionary definition of fatalness. n the quality of being fatal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Pub
(Laplacian determinism). However, the structure of statistical theories inevitably includes uncertainties and ambiguities. Thus, for example, in quantum mechanics the definition of a state of a quantum system incorporates the ambiguity of a number of characteristics; therefore, the definition of future ...
Examines the problem of theological fatalism. Definition of fatalism; Basis of view that fatalism encompasses the future as well as the past; Identification of principal sources for philosophical arguments; Presentation of a simplistic exposition of an argument supporting theological fatalism.Hunt...
O. Wilson formulated a scientific definition.There are a number of perspectives regarding the fundamental nature and substance of humans. These are by no means mutually exclusive, and the following list is by no means exhaustive:Philosophical naturalism (which includes materialism and rationalism) ...
There was a mouse for want of stairs, ‘Ran up a rope to say his prayers.” Father was not amused and reached for the rod. Isaac fell to his knees and begged: “Father, Father, pity take, And I will no more verses make[1]!” ...
“ Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style. ” This sen, toennec e is said by __ of the greatest masters of English prose. A. Alexander Pope B. Henry Fielding C. Daniel Defoe D. Jonathan Swift 30. As a journalist, ___ had learned how to m...
2.1.The definition of feminism.………...4 2.2.The origin and development of feminism………...……...4 2.3.The significance of feminism in modern age………5 III.Female imagesof Tess in Hardy's novels………...7 3.1.Nature's daughter--Tess .………...…..……..7 3.2.Pessimism ...
2.1.The definition of feminism Feminism, also known as the feminist movement and women's rights,which means a social theory and political movementto end the sexism, sex exploitation and oppression, promoting equality and harmony between genders. Except in the criticism of social relations, feminists...
Define fatality. fatality synonyms, fatality pronunciation, fatality translation, English dictionary definition of fatality. n. pl. fa·tal·i·ties 1. a. A death resulting from an accident or disaster: highway fatalities. b. One who is killed as a resul