One of the most striking and cerebral aspects of Tenet , though, is that it makes an argument for metaphysical fatalism, the idea that every event in the world is fated, and could not have been otherwise. "What's happened, happened." But it also argues that even if we live in a ...
The central idea offatalism isthat specific events are unavoidable. fatalism define fatalism is Fahrenheit英汉词典共收录405868条英汉词条,基本涵盖了全部常用汉语及英语词汇的翻译、用法及例句,是中英文学习的有利工具。
and future are or have been inevitable. Forfatalists, people who adhere to this view, nothing else could have happened or been done differently than what did happen. Rather, fatalism is associated with the idea that a certain outcome was "meant to be" in that individuals and their actions ...
The Buddha did not teach fatalism – the idea that our experiences are inevitable and fixed, that we will have to undergo helplessly certain pains or pleasures. And, on the other hand, he did not describe the universe as uncaused or accidental. Instead he explained how phenomena arise and ...
That is really paganfatalism. 这是名符其实的异教宿命论. 辞典例句 Fatalismwas Nadiensky's only refuge. 宿命论是纳齐恩斯基的唯一寄托. 辞典例句 The central idea offatalismis that specific events are unavoidable. 宿命论的核心观念是,某些事件是无法避免的. ...
Some versions embrace fatalism, the idea that the future is just as unchangeable as the past. Literature Se puede descartar tal fatalismo fácilmente Such fatalism can be dismissed easily MultiUn ¿Tan poco conocías a tu tío que no te diste cuenta del fatalismo que lo impulsó a ...
Obviously, that would have been fatal if it had happened while the victim were still alive Očigledno da bi bila fatalna ako se to dogodilo dok je žrtva još bila živa opensubtitles2 What responsibility rests on a person who is infected with a communicable disease that is pote...
Fate is a belief which ascertains that there is a power of thoughts which controls all the happenings of life and it is inevitable to resist this power, and it would ultimately derive a person towards his destiny. This means that the idea of fate has an overpowering affect on a person's...
Is the idea that there are BIG ISSUES that are fated (dying young or old, getting rich or not), but various LITTLE DETAILS along the way are up to us? If that’s right, then I have some questions. (1) Why would one think this? Why don’t the DETAILS collectively determine the BI...