ServicesPricing Log in Search words & phrases fact US /fækt/・ UK /fækt/ A1 DefinitionVideo subtitles noun Something that is known or proved to be true Footer About Our Learning Services About Us Join Us FAQ Contact Us Hot Tags Services Pronunciation Challenge Save&Review Chrome Exte...
Define Facts. Facts synonyms, Facts pronunciation, Facts translation, English dictionary definition of Facts. See Also: TRUTHA fact is like a sack which won’t stand up when it is empty —Luigi Pirandello In his play, Six Characters in Search of an Autho
Define Factions. Factions synonyms, Factions pronunciation, Factions translation, English dictionary definition of Factions. discord, disagreement, schism, split, friction; a group or clique within a larger group: A faction in the government wants to rew
accept the fact that idiom : to admit that (something is so) See the full definition the fact is/remains idiom —used to stress that a statement is true and that its truth is not affected or changed by a previous statement See the full definition the fact of the matter is idiom ...
The meaning of THE FACT IS/REMAINS is —used to stress that a statement is true and that its truth is not affected or changed by a previous statement. How to use the fact is/remains in a sentence.
根据第一段中的“As a matter of fact, disability can be generally divided into two forms—physical disability and mental disability.”可知精神病患者也是残疾人,因此答案选B。【句意】事实上,残疾通常能分为两类——身体残疾和心理残疾。 结果四 题目 What is the definition of disability? What is ...
The Concept of "Fact" in Modern Press and Its Discourse Change: On Xu Baohuang's Definition of "News" late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of Chinajournalism ideasfactXu Baohuang古代中国早有"事实"之说,并在"虚-实"对应的话语框架中被国人长期使用.而清末对译英文"Fact"的"事实"则源自日本,构成...
What is the definition of opinion? A. An opinion is an evidence in a trial. B. An opinion is something that someone can believe. C. An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. D. An opinion is something that may be true and always easy to prove.2. In ...
Fact DefinitionnounA real occurrence; an event: had to prove the facts of the case. Source: American Heritage DictionaryA thing that has been done, especially a crime: an accessory before the fact. Source: American Heritage DictionaryKnowledge or information based on real occurrences: an account...
Define facticity. facticity synonyms, facticity pronunciation, facticity translation, English dictionary definition of facticity. n. The quality or condition of being a fact: historical facticity. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,