Define factories. factories synonyms, factories pronunciation, factories translation, English dictionary definition of factories. n. pl. fac·to·ries 1. a. A building or group of buildings in which goods are manufactured; a plant. b. See factory ship. 2
Define Factorials. Factorials synonyms, Factorials pronunciation, Factorials translation, English dictionary definition of Factorials. n. The product of all the positive integers from 1 to a given number: 4 factorial, usually written 4!, is equal to 24 .
pottery inFactories topic From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishpot‧ter‧y/ˈpɒtəri$ˈpɑː-/●●○noun(pluralpotteries)1[uncountable]objectsmade out ofbakedclayNative American pottery2[uncountable]clay that has beenshapedand baked in order to makepots,dishesetca pottery bowl...
2the activity involved in doing something on a large scaleWho is in charge of the engineering works?→ public works→ see also skunk works Explore Factories Topic first in, first out production line certificate of analysis feedstock mass-produced investment goods fabricator right first ...
The meaning of IN THE SHADOW OF is very close to. How to use in the shadow of in a sentence.
The meaning of TIP THE BALANCE is to change a situation so that one person, group, etc., is more able or likely to succeed : to give an advantage to someone or something. How to use tip the balance in a sentence.
The definition of intangible assets needs updating to include the knowledge and skills that underpin them. New research shows that companies who invested in these assets are unlocking higher levels of growth. Policymakers can enable economic recovery by helping to define these assets, and by investing...
The definition of terms for products when deliberating fraud is of utmost importance. “Seafood” is used to indicate edible aquatic life forms, such as fish, molluscs and crustaceans (Stamatis et al. 2015). “Finfish” is used to describe any animal with a backbone, gills and limbs in the...
The definition of concourse as “[a] universe of statements for [and about] any situation or context” (Stephenson, 1986, p. 44) shares many similarities with the discourse concept. According to Stephenson there is a concourse for every concept, wish and object when viewed subjectively. All ...
"He was the definition of a good neighbor. I'd come home late at night, and he'd be looking out his kitchen window as if to make sure I got home OK. For a few weeks after he died, I kept looking at the window, half expecting to see him." ...