Define egoism. egoism synonyms, egoism pronunciation, egoism translation, English dictionary definition of egoism. n. 1. a. The doctrine that human behavior is motivated by self-interest. b. The belief that self-interest provides the proper basis for mor
Define Egoism (disambiguation). Egoism (disambiguation) synonyms, Egoism (disambiguation) pronunciation, Egoism (disambiguation) translation, English dictionary definition of Egoism (disambiguation). n. 1. a. The doctrine that human behavior is motivated
Define philosophy. philosophy synonyms, philosophy pronunciation, philosophy translation, English dictionary definition of philosophy. n. pl. phi·los·o·phies 1. The study of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on
Great art was, by definition, morally improving. Art expressed the highest values of the culture; it was pure, inspiring, and uplifting. Or so went the official story. With hindsight, this may all sound ridiculous, and even repellent. We know that it failed conclusively a hundred years ...
What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal ...
persons, and their guardians can only judge whatto themwould seem in the best interest of their wards. The generalization of this abeyance to competent adults is more or less the definition of politicalpaternalism, which produces what may be more properly called the "materialism" of thewelfare ...
Learn the definition of consequentialism. Understand examples of consequentialism including utilitarianism. Explore the criticisms of consequentialism. Related to this QuestionIs egoism teleological or deontological? Is utilitarianism a kind of pragmatism? How does deontology differ from utilitarianism and from ...
The opposite of egoism is altruism. While egoism is concerned with selfish behaviors, altruism covers activities that are for the advantage of others... Learn more about this topic: Altruism vs. Egoism | Definition & Examples from Chapter 5/ Lesson 18 50K...
Define egotism. egotism synonyms, egotism pronunciation, egotism translation, English dictionary definition of egotism. n. An inflated sense of one's own importance; conceit. See Synonyms at conceit. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Langua