黑暗人格核心三联征测试|thedarkfactorofpersonality 黑暗人格核心三联征测试(The Dark Triad)是一种心理测量工具,用于评估个体的三种黑暗人格特质:自恋、马基雅维利主义和心理变态。这些特质被认为是一些不道德、自私且有害的行为和思维模式的根源。 该测试涉及到个体的情感、行为、思维等方面。其中,自恋问题主要围绕着个...
综上,The Dark Factor of Personality Test 是一个有趣而复杂的工具,可以帮助研究和理解人格的暗面,但如同所有心理测量工具一样,解释其结果需要考虑到它的局限性和复杂性。
《黑暗人格测验》(Dark Personality Test / The Dark Factor of Personality),又称为“D-因子测验”(Dark Factor Test),是一种心理学测验,旨在评估个体在所谓“黑暗人格”特质的各个方面的倾向。这些黑暗特质通常与一系列负面的人格特征相关,它们在极端的表现形式中通常与不道德、操纵性或反社会行为相关联。
L. (2013). The dark triad of personality: A 10 year review. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(3), 199-216. http://dx. doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12018.Furnham, A. , Richards, S. C. , & Paulhus, D. L. ( 2013 ). The dark triad of personality: A 10 year review . ...
Overall, the Dark Triad is a term used to describe a set of personality traits that are associated with a lack of empathy, manipulation, and an overall disregard for social norms and ethics. While individuals who exhibit these traits are not necessarily dangerous or harmful, it is important to...
The Dark Factor of Personality, also known as the dark triad, refers to a set of personality traits that are characterized by self-centeredness, callousness, and manipulativeness. The three traits that make up the dark factor are narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Narcissism is characte...
The Dark Triad of personality DT traits might have evolved as “a coordinated system of specialized adaptations for exploiting socioecologies” [44, p. 28,45,46]. Individuals endorsing DT traits have a preference for strong hierarchies and exhibit a propensity to seek high social status and perso...
and their adaptivity. The book introduces the Dark Triad through the lens of existing clinical and personality literature, discussing shared and unique cognitive and empathetic profiles associated with each trait. Antisocial, antagonistic, and criminal behaviors associated with the Dark Triad are also cov...
It has been suggested that the Dark Triad (DT) personality constellation is an evolved facilitator of men's short-term mating strategies. However, previous studies have relied on self-report data to consider the sexual success of DT men. To explore the attractiveness of the DT personality to ...
the dark factor of personality中文为:黑暗人格因素,像黑暗人格因素中大家熟知的马基雅维利主义和利己主义占据最多,除此之外还包括道德缺失、自我、自恋、心理权利、精神变态、施虐倾向、利己主义和怀恨在心。是指一组负面、有害的人格特征,黑暗人格因素【The Dark Factor of Personality】在很多人解读后还包括一些:自...