These semantic representations of malevolent character where then used to predict the self- reported scores of the Dark Triad. The second set of analyses were word-frequency analyses that mapped the self-descriptive words to individuals' self-reported malevolent character traits scores (i.e., one-...
The Dark Triad of personality and one of its subscales, Machiavellianism, predicted positive attitudes towards CE. Neither trait competitiveness nor contextual competitiveness were linked to general attitudes towards CE, but the DT was a positive moderator of the association between contextual competitivene...
To understand why some employees tend to behave in a manner that is not constructive, we first need to acquaint ourselves with ‘ dark personality traits.’ Predominantly, there are three dark traits (known as the dark triad): Narcissism (selfish, boastful, arrogant, lack of empathy), Machiave...
According to this model, media effects on a cognitive, emotional, or excitative level such as the elicitation of physiological relaxation or stress responses can be dependent on the personality profile of players [26] As mentioned earlier, people with heightened expressions of Dark Tetrad traits, ...
DarkTriadalcoholexerciseaddictionDISORDERS IDENTIFICATION TESTDRINKINGBackground and objective The present study aimed to contribute to the understanding of addiction formation and maintenance by exploring the relationships between Dark Triad (DT) personality trait levels and addiction tendencies to "substances"...
find robust support for this hypothesis in a North American sample (N = 1805) by comparing respondents' survey scores on the Dark Triad of personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy) with their professed degrees of villain sympathy, identification, fascination, empathy, and enjoyment...
3.2.1 Independent variables: Dark Triad personality traits Dark Triad personality traits are measured using items from Jonason and Webster (2010) consisting of: Psychopathy (four items; αPSY = 0.739; e.g., “I tend to lack remorse”; “I tend to be callous or insensitive”), Narcissi...
Identification of the Core Characteristics of Vulnerable/Hypersensitive Narcissism and its Association with the Dark Triad in a Large International Sample: A Network Analysis StudyNARCISSISMPERSONALITYSYMPTOMSGENDERFEMALESThe current paper aimed to investigate the network structure and centrality indexes of ...
This study investigated the link between hazardous drinking, selected demographic factors and social aversive personality traits in a cross-sectional sample of 264 undergraduates purposively sampled. Data were obtained using standardised measures of the 10-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (...
The Short Dark Triad is a scale used to capture three aversive personality traits—Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy on the subclinical level. The present study aimed to verify the psychometric properties of the Slovak version of the Short Dark Triad scale in three studies. The first tw...