Confiteor (redirected fromThe Confiteor) Related to The Confiteor:Act of Contrition Con·fi·te·or (kən-fē′tē-ər, -ôr′) n. A prayer in which confession of sins is made. [LatinCōnfiteor,I confess, the first word of the prayer, first person sing. present tense ofconfitēr...
The text also reveals some shocking details about high medieval ars celebrandi: Innocent has to correct the clergy for the practice of confessing their personal sins out loud according to species during the Confiteor! The Mysteries of the Mass is full of surprises. One of the loveliest comes i...
In the new Penitential Rite which begins the mass, the Confiteor has now become collective; hence the priest is no longer judge, witness and intercessor before God. It is logical therefore that he no longer recites the prayer of absolution which followed it and has now been suppressed. The ...
[Latincōnflāre, cōnflāt-:com-,com-+flāre,to blow; seebhlē-inIndo-European roots.] con·fla′tionn. Usage Note:Traditionally,conflatemeans "To bring together; meld or fuse," as in the sentenceI have trouble differentiating Jane Austen's heroines; I realized I had conflated Elizabeth Ben...
Schubert constructed this phrase by shortening the much longer ‘confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum’. Thus mention of sin and resurrection are wiped out at a stroke. The Latin is as suspect as the theology; and it fails to make much sense....
In the Confiteor which has now become collective, he is no longer judge, witness and intercessor with God; so it is logical that his is no longer empowered to give the absolution, which has been suppressed. He is integrated with the fratres. Even the server address him as such in the ...
t taken because he hadn’t bothered to check how old they were,told themHarry Potterwasn’t sexist, blithered a bit about his own school experience, and made a passing reference to the supine stem ofconfiteorin order presumably, to let them know that he studied Latin and was better than...
it was the first time I had used the newConfiteorandCredo. By and large, it went off without a hitch. I heard some people who, all through the Mass, kept slipping up and giving the responses they knew by heart (admittedly, I slipped up right along with them). For many, these words...
This morning was the first time the whole church used the new translation in its entirety; it was the first time I had used the new Confiteor and Credo. By and large, it went off without a hitch. I heard some people who, all through the Mass, kept slipping up and giving the ...
confirmed the death confirming a flight r confiscate mobile pho confiscate personal p confiteor deol conflagraÇÃo conflict areas conflict between reli conflict global stor conflict not of an in conflictofnationaliti conflit nm confluence approaches confluence conformabi confluence property confluens sin...