Related to The Confiteor:Act of Contrition Con·fi·te·or (kən-fē′tē-ər, -ôr′) n. A prayer in which confession of sins is made. [LatinCōnfiteor,I confess, the first word of the prayer, first person sing. present tense ofconfitērī,to acknowledge; seeconfess.] ...
Confiteor!'' exclaimed, in a submissive tone, a voice near the King's side ``my Latin will carry me no farther but I confess my deadly treason, and pray leave to have absolution before I am led to execution!'' View in context "Confiteor," said Caderousse, putting the diamond on hi...
一位枢机主教跪下来,以所有人的名义诵读《悔罪经》(Confiteor),当人们都开始跟随他一起背诵时,不少人忍不住流下眼泪,还有许多人抑制不住颤抖。有那么短暂的一刻,这个主要是贵族参加的集会陷入了一种集体性狂热的氛围,这种狂热在后来由普通民众组成的队伍中将成为一种常态。 (查看原文)...
the saints and angels are present. We especially acknowledge this during theconfiteorwhen calling to angels and saints. Liturgical unity is not an enterprise trapped in a single generation. The presence of angels and saints for all of Christianity should not be ignored in the scope of ...
Saturday: 2-5 White's Tenebrae & other Eton choirbook sight-reading with friends in a resonant parking garage, followed by a quick meal and 7:00 rehearsal in church for:Easter Vigil 8:007 lessons as described elsewhere, but with Guimont for the Alleluia/Confiteor Schubert Deutsche MesseYo ...
The Confiteor and Acts 96. In how many ways can we sin? 97. What should we think of when we say the Confiteor? 98. What is the substance of the "act of faith"? 99. Why do we find different acts of faith? 100. What is the substance of the "act of hope"?
Confiteor unum Baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et exspecto Resurrectionem mortuorum. Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. " "Well done!" said several, enjoying the last word, as being the first and only one they had recognized. Then Jude seemed to shake the fumes from his brain, as ...
The text also reveals some shocking details about high medieval ars celebrandi: Innocent has to correct the clergy for the practice of confessing their personal sins out loud according to species during the Confiteor! The Mysteries of the Mass is full of surprises. One of the loveliest comes ...
Schubert constructed this phrase by shortening the much longer ‘confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum’. Thus mention of sin and resurrection are wiped out at a stroke. The Latin is as suspect as the theology; and it fails to make much sense....
In the Confiteor which has now become collective, he is no longer judge, witness and intercessor with God; so it is logical that his is no longer empowered to give the absolution, which has been suppressed. He is integrated with the fratres. Even the server address him as such in the ...