The name 'bureaucracy' has been applied to government by officials, public administration, the administration of any organization, administrative efficiency or inefficiency, and the modern organization, to mention only some of the many concepts discussed. This appears to evidence not an excess, but a...
chapter 02 The Evolution of Management Theory 《管理学》(双语)课程课件(48学时)Chapter2 TheEvolutionofManagementTheory LearningObjectives Afterstudyingthechapter,youshouldbeableto:–Explaintheprincipleofjobspecializationanddivisionoflabor,andtellwhythestudyofperson-taskrelationshipsiscentraltothepursuitofincreased...
bureaucracy a type of organization in which administration is based upon impersonal, written rules and a hierarchy of offices; there is a clear distinction between ‘the office’ and its incumbent, and official positions are filled on the basis of formal qualifications. The concept was first system...
Which of the following is true for Weber's concept of bureaucracy? A) A bureaucracy cannot operate in an organization which has a hierarchical system of command. B) Management in a bureaucracy depends on accepted practices rather than on special skills. C ...
But this did not mean that the concept of bureaucracy was deprived of its place in political controversy. Weber himself attacked the German bureaucracy while, at the same time, attempting to maintain a strict separation between polemics and detached political analyis. Since his time the gap ...
Drawing on the concept of representative bureaucracy, this article examines how two multilingual states – Canada and Switzerland – deal with issues related to the participation of different linguistic communities in the federal public service. Following a political mobilization of the linguistic cleavage...
building and executin building and layout a building andequipment building area building automation s building backbone cab building block servic building competition building concept building connection building construction building constructor building covenant ext building densitybuild building diagnosis building...
Trump critics say he tried to engineer his own “deep state” by planting loyalists throughout the bureaucracy in his final months. “Under the guise of stopping a coup that doesn’t exist … Trump is creating a shadow government without transparency, without demo...
In the ratification debates that followed the Convention, the proponents and opponents of the new constitution put the concept of judicial review front and center in a clash of essays published by newspapers in New York and elsewhere that have since been collected and come to be known as theFed...
It promoted the concept of English nationalism and the development of the textile industry. In addition, the war raised the social position of the bourgeois class (资产阶级). All these factors contributed to the decline of feudalism in England. 百年战争对英国社会产生了重大影响。它促进了英国民族...