The Cognitive Linguistics Reader[M].London:Equinox,2007.Evans, V., Bergen, B. and Zinken, Z. (2007). The Cognitive Linguistics Reader. London: Equinox.FILLMORE, Charles J. (2007). Frame semantics. In Evens, Bergen, Zinken (eds.), The Cognitive Linguistics Reader, London: Equinox. pp. ...
REVIEWS 721The Oxford handbook of cognitive linguistics. Ed. by D IRK G EERAERTS and H UBERTC UYCKENS .Oxford:OxfordUniversityPress,2007.Pp.1,334.ISBN9780195143782.$150 (Hb).Reviewed by E WA D a ˛ BROWSKA , University of NorthumbriaCognitive linguistics began to emerge as a new approach...
Wikipedia Related to language learning:Rosetta stone,Language acquisition ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. language learning- learning to use a language learning,acquisition- the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge; "the child's acquisition of language...
W. (2002). Linguistic and cognitive development in the writing of middle-grade English language learners. Southwest Journal of Linguistics. Linguistic Association of the Southwest. HighBeam Research. Accessed 12.10.11....
Cognitive linguistics in particular has made an increasingly sophisticated model of metaphor production and comprehension central to the mind's meaning-making capacities (Lakoff and Johnson 1999). Computer scientists and philosophers of mind have made extensive use of literary concepts in framing their ...
Theauthorhaskeptinmindthatsomeofherreaders mayneverhavehadanypriorexposuretolinguistics, but she stresses that this book should not serve as a substitute for a basic linguistics course. The first chapter introduces beginning concepts to the reader; the remaining seven chapters can be roughlydividedinto...
nese, so the reader can be on ease in processing and understand⁃ ing of the cultural image. (2) Be different from cognitive schema。For historical differ⁃ ence environment, religion, local customs, aesthetic taste and thinking pattern, English and Chinese have been a distinctive na⁃ tio...
Research on good and poor reader characteristics: Implications for L2 reading research in China on the topic in the past 20 years along 3 dimensions: language knowledge and processing ability, cognitive ability, and metacognitive strategic competence. ... J Pang - 《Reading in A Foreign Language》...
Another factor to consider is the possible use of specific cognitive strategies for character recognition, which, to our knowledge, have not been systematically investigated. Deaf individuals' increased reliance on visual information likely contributes to the development of unique cognitive strategies for ...