Cognitive Linguistics 作者: Geeraerts, Dirk 出版社: De Gruyter Mouton副标题: Basic Readings出版年: 2006-9-19页数: 485定价: USD 34.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9783110190854豆瓣评分 8.8 13人评价 5星 46.2% 4星 46.2% 3星 7.7% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
We conclude that knowledge of nonlinearities of the dose-response curves of individoi:10.1507/endocrj.47.SupplMarch_S57Geeraerts, Dirktoxicological sciences
Cognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings brings together twelve foundational articles, each of which introduces one of the basic concepts of Cognitive Linguistics, like conceptual metaphor, image schemas, mental spaces, construction grammar, prototypicality and radial sets. The collection features the founding ...
In the introduction toCognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings(2006),linguistDirk Geeraerts makes a distinction between uncapitalizedcognitive linguistics("referring to all approaches in whichnatural languageis studied as a mental phenomenon") and capitalizedCognitive Linguistics("one form of cognitive linguistic...
book can only outline the basic principles of the cognitive linguistic approach and some of its more important results and implications for the study of language. In this chapter, we briefly describe the major hypothesis of cognitive linguistics (as we see them), and how we will develop ...
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 3–22. Article Google Scholar Semel, E., Wiig, E. H., & Secord, W. A. (2003). Clinical evaluation of language fundamentals (Fourth ed.). American Guidance Service, Inc. Google Scholar Snow, C. (...
(see Schwarz and Sudman) to identify and code cognitive problems of comprehension, retrieval, judgment, andresponse generation. Automated approaches advanced by Graesser and colleagues applycomputational linguisticsand artificial intelligence to build computer programs that identify interpretive problems with ...
Visuo-spatial reasoning tests, such as Raven's matrices, Cattell's culture-fair test, or various subtests of the Wechsler scales, are frequently used to estimate intelligence scores in the context of inter-racial comparisons. This has led to several high
After more than a quarter century, it's time to review the progress in terms of recent developments in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and computational linguistics. To provide perspective, it's useful to review some related architectures that have also been under development for a ...
This chapter argues that in order to develop a semantics that encompasses conditionals both with and without ‘if’, an explanatorily adequate semantic theory of conditionals in discourse has to kick the object of semantic study beyond that of the senten