Valencia, CA, USA). The bony shell of the cochlea was opened and the apical turn was removed to expose the basal turn of the cochlea. The lateral wall of the cochlea was removed using a fine needle. Then, the sensory epithelium was gently separated...
The endoscope was inserted as deep as possible unless the endoscope touched the malleus. In this position, the focus distance was adjusted so that the cochleariform process can be clearly visualized. After evaluating the cochleariform process and inferior surface of the tensor tympani tendon, the ...
Our results demonstrate long-term retention of cisplatin in the human cochlea, and they point to the stria vascularis as an important therapeutic target for preventing cisplatin ototoxicity.Similar content being viewed by others Modulating the unfolded protein response with ISRIB mitigates cisplatin ...
The macaque ventral intraparietal area (VIP) in the fundus of the intraparietal sulcus has been implicated in a diverse range of sensorimotor and cognitive functions such as motion processing, multisensory integration, processing of head peripersonal space, defensive behavior, and numerosity coding. Here...
GSDME maps on chromosome 7 (7p15.3), and it is initially perceived to be associated with hereditary hearing loss, devoid of any involvement in inflammatory processes.16,183,184,185GSDME mRNA is distributed within various tissues such as the cochlea, placenta, heart, brain, and kidney.16,186As...
Figure 2. Distribution of α- and β-tectorin mRNA in the rat cochlea at P5.α-Tectorin mRNA was detected as a broad bandin the GER and as a narrow band in the supporting cells, probably Hensen's cells (open arrow, H). α-Tectorin mRNA was found also in the phalangeal processes ...
Caloric restriction (CR) counters deleterious effects of aging and, for most mouse genotypes, increases mean and maximum lifespan. Previous analyses of microarray data have identified gene expression responses to CR that are shared among multiple mouse t
Caloric restriction (CR) counters deleterious effects of aging and, for most mouse genotypes, increases mean and maximum lifespan. Previous analyses of microarray data have identified gene expression responses to CR that are shared among multiple mouse t
the cochlea is supposed to affect neural impulse transmission along the peripheral auditory pathway, and to promote thalamocortical dysrhythmia (Llinas et al.1999; Meyer et al.2014). More specifically, as a consequence of deafferentiation following hair cell loss in the cochlea, the auditory ...
These moieties can be viewed as calcium binding sites, which was further supported by VSFS experiments employing lipid monolayers where calcium ions were shown to interact with the carbonyl, phosphate, and carboxylate groups of PS lipids. MD simulations of lipid bilayer patches were employed to get...