Based on the manga by Jiro Taniguchi, this French film follows an ambitious journalist who's charting the journey of Habu Joji, an enigmatic mountain climber who possesses a camera that might yield answers to some of mountain climbing's biggest mysteries. With heart-stopping suspense and composer...
This heart-stopping documentary follows daredevil rock climber Alex Honnold as he embarks on a death-defying feat: scaling the 3,200-foot El Capitan in Yosemite National Park without a rope. With stunning cinematography, intimate personal revelations, and nail-biting tension, the film captures...
Barbara, a lonely social climber unhappily married to the wealthy but remote plastics heir Brooks Baekeland, dotes on ... Style: disturbing, emotional, sexy, controversial, talky ... Plot: incest, mother son incest, murder, gay, adultery, sex scene, incestuous relationship, sexual relations,...
This South Korean sci-fi horror TV series fromTrain to Busandirector Yeon Sang-ho is a live-action spin-off of the manga by Hitoshi Iwaaki, and depicts all the awful things that happen when parasitic organisms from outer space come to Earth and turn humans into killing machines. What's mo...
The retro world of Ice Climber comes to Super Mario Maker! Smash your way upward through the blocks, but beware of enemies blocking your path – ascending this perilous peak won’t be a simple task! How quickly can you reach the summit? Popo & Nana Hello Kitty & My Melody A Super ...
Kodansha Super Mario manga Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Artwork used for a Super Mario puzzle Artwork used for a puzzle based on Super Mario Kart Artwork used for a puzzle ...
More important to the film is the “right” conduct in mountain climbing – whether, in the worst emergencies, it is every climber for himself. The hit 2003 documentaryTouching the Voidshowed the situation of a climber forced to cut his partner loose. Sixty years ago, moral uncertainties blurr...
LAHORE: When describing her experiences while undertaking the 'Out of Eden Walk project', 20 days in the Pamir range of Tajikistan, climber and guide Safina Shohaydarova says she learned many things. Which way to the north? More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ paludamentum Paludicolae ...
Ecological distribution patterns and indicator species analysis of climber plants in changa manga forest plantation. Diversity. 2022;14(11):988. Article Google Scholar Haq SM, Amjad MS, Waheed M, Bussmann RW, Proćków J. The floristic quality assessment ...
she loves to climb mountains and is rather blunt when it come to criticizing people especially Aoi. Saitou Kaede doesn’t get too much screen time but it’s obvious that she is a passionate mountain climber. Yukimura Aoi is an introvert who much prefers indoor hobbies such as arts and craft...