Based on the manga by Jiro Taniguchi, this French film follows an ambitious journalist who's charting the journey of Habu Joji, an enigmatic mountain climber who possesses a camera that might yield answers to some of mountain climbing's biggest mysteries. With heart-stopping suspense and composer...
Kodansha Super Mario manga Artwork used for a Super Mario puzzle. Artwork used for a Super Mario puzzle. Artwork used for a Super Mario puzzle. Artwork used for a Super Mario Christmas-themed puzzle Artwork used for a Super Mario Christmas-themed puzzle Artwork used for a puzzle base...
Kokou No Hito means “solitary person” — which might give you a pretty good idea of what this award-winning manga is about. Loosely based on real-life mountain climber Buntarō Katō, Mori Buntarō is an introverted solo mountain climber whose biggest goal is to climb K2’s East Face (...
Netflix might not care if you watch this gorgeous, thought-provoking anime, but we do. This adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's acclaimed manga spins off from the ultra-popular Astro Boy franchise, following a series of murders of specific robots around the world. The deaths aren't random; the t...
Kodansha Super Mario manga Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Super Mario Bros. (film) Artwork used for a Super Mario puzzle Artwork used for a puzzle based on Super Mario Kart Artwork used for a puzzle ...
LAHORE: When describing her experiences while undertaking the 'Out of Eden Walk project', 20 days in the Pamir range of Tajikistan, climber and guide Safina Shohaydarova says she learned many things. Which way to the north? More results ► Dictionary browser ? ▲ paludamentum Paludicolae ...
Inspired by climber Joe Simpson's eponymous memoir, this thought-provoking documentary follows his emotional pilgrimage to the Eiger North Face, the site of a tragic 1936 expedition that claimed the lives of four climbers. Intertwining personal reflections, historical context, and gripping reenactme...
Directed by Danny Boyle and starring James Franco, this harrowing drama chronicles the incredible true story of climber Aron Ralston, who becomes trapped beneath a boulder while canyoneering alone in Utah. Forced to confront his own mortality and summon every ounce of willpower to survive, Ralston...
Barbara, a lonely social climber unhappily married to the wealthy but remote plastics heir Brooks Baekeland, dotes on ... Style: disturbing, emotional, sexy, controversial, talky ... Plot: incest, mother son incest, murder, gay, adultery, sex scene, incestuous relationship, sexual relations,...
she loves to climb mountains and is rather blunt when it come to criticizing people especially Aoi. Saitou Kaede doesn’t get too much screen time but it’s obvious that she is a passionate mountain climber. Yukimura Aoi is an introvert who much prefers indoor hobbies such as arts and craft...