Máčajová, E., Raspaud, A., Škoviera, M.: The chromatic number of a signed graph. In: Proc. of the 3rd Bordeaux Graph Workshop, pp. 29–30 (2014)E. M´aˇcajova´, A. Raspaud and M. Sˇkoviera, The chromatic number of a signed graph, manuscript, 2014....
Certain algorithms concerning coloring graphs involve the partial exploration of Zykov trees. We investigate the size of such trees, and prove that a certain class of branch-and-bound algorithms for determining the chromatic number of a graph requires in probability a number of steps which grows fa...
Transcribed image text: 32. What is the chromatic number of the given graph? * a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Not the question you’re looking for? Post any question and get expert help quickly. Start learning Chegg Products & Services Chegg Study Help Citation Generator Digi...
While it is easy to show that the chromatic number of a random graph Gn,p satisfies with high probability1n/(2logbn)≤χ(Gn,p)≤(n+o(n))/logbn, where we shall abbreviate in the remainder of the paper b=1/(1−p), the asymptotic gap between lower and upper bound was only close...
Given integers k, n, 2 n0(k) the chromatic number of this graph is (k - 1)() + rs, where n = (k - 1)s + r, 0 ≤ r < k - 1.P. FranklCNRS 15 Quai A. France ParisJournal of Graph TheoryP. Frankl, On the chromatic number of the general Kneser-graph, J. Graph Theory...
The problem of finding the Δ(d)-chromatic number of a complete, balanced, multipartite graph has its roots in an open graph theoretic characterisation problem and has applications conforming to the generic scenario where users of a system are in conflict if they require access to some shared ...
3. Lower bounds of the Aα-spread relations with the first Zagreb index and the forgotten topological index 4. The Aα-spread of certain graphs 5. The Aα-spread in terms of the chromatic number and the edge bipartiteness 6. The Aα-spread of graph operations Declaration of Competing Int...
摘要: The visibility graph V(P) of a point set P \subseteq R2 has vertex set P, such that two points v,w P are adjacent whenever there is no other point in P on the line segment between v and w. We stu...关键词: Computational Mathematic Line Segment Open Problem Chromatic Number ...
Kneser graphchromatic numbercircular chromatic numberindependence numberpolygoninterlaceLet $n$ and $k$ be positive integers with $n \\geq 2k$. Consider a circle $C$ with $n$ points $1,\\ldots,n$ in clockwise order. The interlacing graph $ext{IG}_{n,k}$ is the graph with vertices ...
The Interleaved Multichromatic Number of a Graph. Annals of Combinatorics 6, 249–256 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1007/s000260200001 Download citation Issue DateDecember 2002 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s000260200001 Mathematics Subject Classification2000: 05C15¶Key words and phrases: chromatic ...