clique numberLet G be a graph. We use χ ( G ) and ω ( G ) to denote the chromatic number and clique number of G respectively. A P 5 is a path on 5 vertices, and an HVN is a K 4 together with one more vertex which is adjacent to exactly two vertices of K 4 . Combining...
and edge chromatic number ??(G)>? is edge-?-critical if ??(G − e) = ? for every edge eof G. New lower bounds are given for the average degree of an edge-?-critical graph, whic... 文档格式:PDF | 页数:17 | 浏览次数:10 | 上传日期:2015-11-06 05:41:44 | 文档星级: ...
List chromatic number k-choosable Term rank 1. Introduction The list chromatic number of a graph was introduced by Erdös et al. [2] and independently by Vizing [9] as a natural extension of the chromatic number. However, the behavior of the list chromatic number is much more subtle than...
There, also an equation is derived for the number of resource nodes which are necessary for an m-adjacency placement in the star graph. In the theorem which follows we generalize the same result for the case of any regular graph. Theorem 1 Given a regular graph G , the number of ...
A bound for the game chromatic number of graphs Suppose G = (V, E) is a graph. The game chromatic number of G is defined through a two-person game: the colouring game. Given a graph G and a set C of colours, Alice and Bob, with Alice playing first, take turns ...更多>>Suppose...
The locating-chromaticnumber of a graph G can be def i ned as the cardinality of a minimum resolvingpartition of the vertex set V ( G ) such that all vertices have different coordinates andevery two adjacent vertices in G is not contained in the same partition class. In thiscase, the ...
Keywords:Circular chromatic number,Mycielski’s graphs,chromatic number. 1Introduction All graphs considered in this paper are?nite and simple.Suppose G=(V,E)is a graph and k≥2d are positive integers.A(k,d)-colouring of G is a mapping ...
DaphneDer-FenLiu DepartmentofMathematics CaliforniaStateUniversity,LosAngeles LosAngeles,CA90032,USA October6,2002(RevisedNovember2003) Abstract ForagraphG,letM(G)denotetheMycielskigraphofG.Thet-thiterated MycielskigraphofG,M t(G),isde?nedrecursivelybyM 0(G)=G,andM ...
On Caterpillars of Game Chromatic Number 4 机译:关于游戏色度4的毛毛虫 获取原文 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 The coloring game is played by Alice and Bob on a finite graphG. They take turns properly coloring the vertices witht...
edge-critical graphA graph G with maximum degree Δ and edge chromatic number is edge-Δ-critical if for every edge e of G. It is proved that the average degree of an edge-Δ-critical graph is at least if , at least if , and at least if . For large Δ, this improves on the ...