containing nitrogen capable of irreversively generating red color by the irradiation of a light having a specific wave length, especially of an ultraviolet radiation, excellent in color stabilities and color generating responses and useful for an optical recording material for photon-mode writing, etc...
The degassed samples are exposed to nitrogen gas at constant cryogenic liquid nitrogen (LN2) temperature 77 K (−196 °C) at a series of precisely controlled pressures (Kuila and Prasad, 2013). The N2 adsorption isotherm is reported as the volume of gas adsorbed as a function of relative...
The structure of NOTA-COG1410 consists of the NOTA moiety and the COG1410 moiety. The NOTA part has a cyclic structure with three nitrogen atoms in the ring, which can chelate metal ions through the lone pairs of electrons on these nitrogen atoms and the oxygen atoms of the acetic acid gr...
Protein content was determined using the Dumas combustion method in a LECO FP-528 Protein/Nitrogen Analyzer (Leco Corporation, St. Joseph, MI, USA). The conversion factor used to calculate protein content was 6.25 for zein, and 5.70 for gluten flour (Esen, 1980, Jones, 1931). The ...
Electrocatalytic technologies play a vital role in the advancement of hydrogen energy and other renewable green energy sources, with nanocatalysts
The gut microbiome modulates the effects of diet on host health, but it remains unclear which specific foods and microbial features interact to influence risk of depression. To understand this interplay, we leveraged decades of dietary and depression dat
purposechemicalkineticssoftwarepackage.Thefourteencoefficientsforeachspeciesareinthesame formasusedintheNASAComplexChemicalEquilibriumProgram.2Thismanualprovidesdetailson thecompilationofthedatathatiscurrentlypartoftheChemkinCollection,includinggraphical representationsofthefitstoexperimental(orcalculated)datapoints.Alsoincluded...
Deposition Characteristics of Water-soluble Inorganic Nitrogen and Organic Nitrogen in Atmospheric Precipitation in the Northern Suburbs of Nanjing 【摘要】基于2019~2020年在南京北郊收集的大气降水进行降水pH、电导率和化学组分分析,研究南京北郊大气降水pH值和电导率的季节变化规律,分析了降水中水溶性无机氮(WSIN...
The microbial reduction of nitrate, via nitrite into gaseous di-nitrogen (denitrification) plays a major role in nitrogen removal from aquatic ecosystems. Natural abundance stable isotope measurements can reveal insights into the dynamics of production a
Fertilization is considered as one of the most significant agronomic practices for increasing crop yields and food security, especially for the application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers1,2. Large quantities of chemical nitrogen fertilizers have been employed to increase the land productivity3,4. Until...