colorless, odorless gaseous element, 1794, from Frenchnitrogène, coined 1790 by French chemist Jean Antoine Chaptal (1756-1832), from Greeknitron"sodium carbonate" (seenitro-) + Frenchgène"producing," from Greek-gen"giving birth to" (see-gen). The gas was identified in part by analysis of...
Nitrogen (elemental symbol: N) is the seventh chemical element in the periodic table. Nitrogen nuclei contain seven protons, and most commonly seven neutrons (the most abundant isotope,14N, has a monoisotopic mass of 14.00674 amu; the second most important nonradiogenic isotope,15N, has eight ne...
n. Symbol N A nonmetallic element that constitutes nearly four-fifths of the air by volume, occurring as a colorless, odorless, almost inert diatomic gas, N2, in various minerals and in all proteins and used in a wide variety of applications, including manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, TN...
Nitrogen: Gaseous chemical element, chemical symbol N, atomic number 7. 氮: 气态化学元素, 化学符号N, 原子序数7. 期刊摘选 Common market, there arenitrogen, air, hydrogen, ammonia, acetylene, propane, steam and other special relief valve. ...
Learn what is nitrogen and see nitrogen's symbol. Understand what nitrogen fixation is and the formulas that represent it. See the importance of...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an inexpensive and simple sensor element developed in order to solve the point at issue of conventional technique and having high selectivity to NOx and an NOx detecting method.OKUBO TATSUYA大久保 達也OBARA MIDORI...
SYMBOL N ATOMIC NUMBER 7 ATOMIC MASS 14.0067 FAMILY Group 15 (VA) Nitrogen PRONUNCIATION NYE-tru-jun Nitrogen was discovered by a number of chemists at about the same time, approximately 1772. But it was not until the early part of the twentieth century, when chemists learned how to make ...
About this element Symbol:N Date of discovery:1772 Name origin:Greeknitron genes Appearance:colorless Discoverer:Daniel Rutherford Obtained from:liquid air Melting point:63.05 K Boiling point:77.36 K Density[kg/m3]:1.2506 Molar volume:13.54 × 10-6m3/mol ...
Nitrogen is a chemical element that has the symbol N, atomic number of 7 and atomic mass 14.00674 u. Elemental nitrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and mostly inert diatomic gas at standard conditions, constituting 78.08% by volume of Earth's atmosphere. ...
nitrogen content ofcultivatedsoil is generally enriched and renewed artificially by fertilizers containing nitrates and ammonium salts. Excretion and decay of animals and plants return nitrogen compounds to the soil andair, and somebacteriain soil decompose nitrogen compounds and return the element to ...