lifted her up and suddenly flung her above his head, catching her as she fell and pressing her against him as she slid to the ground, so that she knew the body smell of his shirt and the animal smell of his coat, the warmth of his strong hard body, and the grip of his rough gent...
11:03-Another Monarch, this one half-hidden behind a bracken frond. 11:07- The shade from the trees was short-lived and we are into a cleared space where the ground is hard and dust-dry; grass is dry and bleached, but Bracken is still vibrantly green. I spot a large Apple of Sodom...
Tectonic Controls from Reservoir Architecture: The Cretaceous Pinda FM; Block 0, AngolaBryan Bracken
Forty years ago it needed all the gold of the sunshine and all the tonic65 quality of the air to make the wide tracts of stunted66 bracken in the north, and even wider expanses of sparse67 yellowish tussock in the south, look anything but cheerless, empty, and half-barren. The pages ...