A critical aspect is how to enable disseminated intelligence to be understood and used within the organizations. Thus, firm agility can enhance the effect of consumer data on benefits to the consumer and mitigate potential detriments to the consumer. Firm analytical abilities Analytical abilities ...
work. The bystander effect is when the presence of others discourages an individual from mediating in crisis circumstances. Due to emergencies being uncommon, when they occur, people are unsure of how to deal with them. They have to be dealt with under conditions of uncertainty, stress, and ...
Her death sparked one of the most discussed psychological theories of all time: the bystander effect. It states that people in a crowd experience a diffusion of responsibility while witnessing a crime. They’re less likely to help than one single witness. Wikimedia CommonsKitty Genovese, whose m...
Today, we have many more decision constraints that complicate the assignment process. The humble goal of minimizing time is beginning to give way to better clinical outcome measures for patients and enhanced operational effectiveness. We also have access to more real-time data than ever to help im...
ESX-1 is essential for activating host cytosolic surveillance pathways. Most likely, ESX-1 is required for Mtb to deliver a number of effectors into the host to remodel the intracellular environment to improve its chance for survival, despite its role in inducing immune recognition. In addition,...
This study examines the extent to which messages about a company's supply chain activities, specifically those dealing with social responsibility, affect consumer evaluations of products sold by the company. Results indicate this "spillover effect" is most likely to occur when the message is ...
The MN frequency is measured by the MN assay, usually reported as the number of cells containing MNi per total cells counted. This assay was first used in exfoliated cells by Stich et al.16. Among the changes that can occur within DNA, point mutations are the most likely to accumulate, ...
This relationship is similar in the work environment; a leader guiding its subordinates allows for errors. If no corrections are made because managers assume that the problem would fix itself, then no change will occur. Therefore, as managers allow failure, they encourage workers to continue to ...
The effect is particularly severe in children2,3,4. In this regard, the cortex plays a major role in the mediation of the long term radiation damage to the brain. This is because of the integral role that the cortex plays with hosting the gliogenesis process where the fate of the ...
牛津英译本pp.150.)***(The world, my dear Rhedi, is not immune to decay; nor are the heavens themselves. Astronomers act as eye-witnesses of the alterations that occur in them, which are the natural consequences of universal motion. penguin英译本pp.204.)施特劳斯指出,“the heavens ...