The changing incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes in Wales: effect of gender and season at diagnosis and birth.26.Waernbaum I,Lind T,Möllsten A,Dahlquist G The incidence of childhood-onset type 1 diabetes,...
The bystander effect posits that people are less likely to help others who are in need as the number of bystanders increases. However, studies that have examined this phenomenon in the online context have often used arbitrary numbers of bystanders and a single measure of intervention. Drawing on...
This ‘rational’ explanation of the bystander effect does not, of course, justify it. But we are interested in a different situation, one in which the decision lies on a continuum between helping a lot and not helping at all, and the welfare of a recipient increases with the amount of ...
This study focuses on the role of humour in health and well-being of women-who-have-sex-with-women (WSW) during COVID-19. This group has been shown to be v
function by introducing stem cells to repair the degraded neural networks. Based on the paracrine ‘bystander’ mechanism, these stem cells can be used as delivery systems through production or induced production of neuroprotective growth factors. Alternatively, functional recovery can be achieved by ...
We assumed that postoperative fluids from patients would activate the radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE) in treated cells, thus altering the tumor microenvironment. To confirm this hypothesis, WF collected from patients after breast conserving surgery (BCS) alone, after BCS followed by IORT ...
Communities have been placing AEDs in public places for more than 30 years. Still, according to the CARES 2023 Annual Report, only 11.7% of patients who experienced cardiac arrest in public received assistance from a bystander with an AED. This gap highlights the need for innovation and the ap...
(ii) SnCs catalyze their own production by paracrine and bystander effects28, (iii) SnC removal decreases with age due to age-related decline in immune surveillance functions29, and (iv) SnCs reduce their own removal rate, which can be due to SnC-related signaling, such as SASP, ...
Similar detrimental effects of value disconfirmation in loyalty programs have been identified in literature, such as the so-called satisfaction trap, bystander effects, or demoting customers who had earned status in previous times (Bijmolt et al. 2017). Factors affecting retailers’ ability to ...
The cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) is produced by many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria and is considered as a virulence factor. In human cells, CDT exposure leads to a unique cytotoxicity associated with a characteristic cell distension and induces a cell cycle arrest dependent on the DNA dam...