《地平线西之绝境》是一款开放世界的第三人称动作RPG游戏,背景设定在人类文明毁灭后的地球。玩家将扮演机器猎人艾洛伊,揭开这个世界的秘密,恢复秩序和平衡。本视频聚焦于游戏的过场动画制作,由Guerrilla的过场动画导演Ismael Oré分享。他介绍了从表演捕捉到镜头布局的
Colin Wyke在Capybara Games工作时参与了游戏《Below》的开发,该游戏是一款受经典roguelike启发的动作冒险游戏,结合了程序生成和手工制作的内容。《Below》的视觉设计以低几何复杂度艺术、高分辨率手绘背景和精细的动态细节展示为特点。开发过程中,团队面临制作黑暗游戏
The brightest lights in the sky no longer belong to stars after a new satellite was spotted in the night sky. The satellite is BlueWalker 3, and while it looks like a Tetris block, the satellite is more well known for being as bright as two of the brightest stars in the night sky. ...
Despite living a life of extreme poverty in Brooklyn, graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat (Jeffrey Wright) strives to rise up through the heady New York art scene of the 1970s and 1980s. He becomes the brightest star of neo-Expressionist painting and one of the most successful...
In the first decades of the century, it became brighter and brighter, until, by April 1843, it was the second brightest star in the sky. The larger of the two stars in the Eta Carinae system is a huge and unstable star that is nearing the end of its life. The event observed in the...
"Star Trek: Lower Decks" launches its fifth and final season on Oct. 24. (Image credit: Paramount+) "Star Trek: Lower Decks" has become one of the brightest lights in the franchise's constellation over the past five years and its final 10-episode season launches today, Oct. 24, on ...
Scott Adkins is one of the brightest stars in the current wave of low-budget, direct-to-video-and-streaming action movies. His skills are on full display in this sequence from his masterpiece,Ninja: Shadow of a Tear, a ferocious martial-arts spectacular about a warrior out to avenge his ...
"It will be the brightest star," explained Graur. "You would even be able to see it by day." Research predicts the Betelgeuse supernova would be 15 to 250 times brighter than Venus, currently the second-brightest object in the night sky. Then it will begin to fade over hundreds of day...
The brightest star from each section was selected and filtered with centroid algorithm. Then the local 32×32 is sliced out into a mosaic. This is great for focal plane tilting adjustment, optical alignment and focusing. I have to improve the algorithm to O(N) time complexity in the first ...
From feel-good sports comedies to British espionage thrillers and genre-busting murder mysteries, here is our list of must-watch shows on the prestige streaming service.