The brightest star in the sky 夜空中最亮的星 Can you hear my sigh 能否听清 When raising my eyes 那仰望的人 I endure loneliness inside 心底的孤独和叹息 The brightest star in the sky 夜空中最亮的星 Can you spark my mind 能否记起 Once running alongside 曾与我同行 We drifted apart in th...
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Know that in this town I'm still a stranger here But then I see it in my dreams Where my disappointment's never as it seems Follow the brightest star in the sky But are you ever asking why Follow the brightest star in the sky Until the beauty makes you cry Follow the brightest star...
The brightest star in the sky, can you hear 那仰望的人 心底的孤独和叹息 Solitude and sighs, deep in heart of a man, admiring you 夜空中最亮的星 能否记起 The brightest star in the sky, could you remember 曾与我同行 消失在风里的身影 ...
The Brightest Star in the Sky: With Qian Wu, Chloe Zhao, Zitao Huang, Junfeng Niu. As singer-songwriter C-POP star, Huang Zitao plays a role of a recalcitrant idol who debuted and become famous since he was young. He deeply likes music and keeps persiste
The brightest star in the sky�� 逃跑计划���� 夜空中最亮的星 能否听清�� The brightest star in the sky�� Could you hear me�� 那仰望的人 心底的孤独和叹息�� Look up at the sky�� Deep down my heart hollow and sigh�� 夜空中最亮的星 能否记...
The Brightest Star in the Sky天空中最亮的星 暂无报价 10评论 100%好评 内容简介:June the first, a bright summer’s evening, a Monday . . . And into the busy, bustling homes at 66 Star Street slips, unseen, a mysterious visitor. As the couples, flatmates and repentant singletons of...
二胡、古筝、钢琴cover,夜空中最亮的星民乐编制全新改编,第一个融合民乐与交响版本,深情温柔演出!中文流行歌Cover系列 / 夜空中最亮的星Brightest Star In The Night Sky逃跑计划-夜空中最亮的星二里Early:这次终于如愿以偿写了我喜欢多年的这首歌,虽然中途遇到严峻的
简介:二十多岁的时光,你过的还好吗?是否感到无助,迷茫,沮丧仰或成功,意气风发。无论怎样,请相信这只是生活中的一部分,请坚信,我们能凭自己的力量平稳的站在这片土地上,向这个世界发出我们的声音:“我们可以过自己想过的生活”。 TA的专辑 更多 二十几岁的时光的默认专辑0...