Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
This not only provides information on local climate change, but also on the sub-regional ISM response to distal forcings. Quantitative reconstruction of rainfall using δ18O was attempted [122], and this approach is worth testing over modern instrumental time scales. A recent study suggests that...
To come together or collect in a mass or whole:"Some[bacteria]aggregate so closely as to mimic a multicellular organism"(Gina Kolata)."The first stars began to form when hydrogen and helium gas left over from the Big Bang aggregated into dense clouds"(Paul Davies). ...
The northeastern industrial subregion in the province of Groningen has its centers at Groningen and Delfzijl. The new industrial complex being established here includes a chemical industry, based on natural gas, and metalworking and aluminum industries. The agricultural subregion, comprising the ...
(chzliu@mail. A 'hidden' 18O-enriched reservoir in the sub-arc mantle Chuan-Zhou Liu1, Fu-Yuan Wu1, Sun-Lin Chung2, Qiu-Li Li1, Wei-Dong Sun3 & Wei-Qiang Ji1 1State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric Evolution, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of ...
gun roomN(in house) →salafdearmas(Brit) (Naut) →salafdesuboficiales gun turretN→torretaf gun downVT + ADV→abatiratiros,abalear(LAm) gun forVI + PREP(fig) →ir apor it's really the boss they're gunning for→en realidadvana por eljefe ...
Such a relationship underscores that even though the WNP TC frequency is decreasing, it remains imperative to understand intrabasin and sub-regional TC variability (such as the KP-influence TCs) given the shifts in the large-scale features. Of the two above mentioned indices, we note that the...
These observations may suggest that a population change in northern East Asia had already occurred at the end of the LGM, earlier than the recently proposed post-LGM population change demonstrated by a 16,900-year-old subadult female (Khaiyrgas-1) found in Khaiyrgas Cave in Yakutia (Russia...
As a developing nation in a critical part of the world, Nepal is not short of interest parties and America is not alone in applying pressure. China has made little secret of the fact that it feels the MCC is a poorly disguised arm of the Indo-Pacific Strategy, and thus a direct strateg...
subbing, substituting - working as a substitute for someone who is ill or on leave of absence investigating, investigation - the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically care, tending, attention, aid - the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something;...